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We Could be Next!


Dec 21, 2002
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Associated Press[BR]United Seeks to Void Labor Contracts[BR]Friday December 27, 1:31 am ET [BR]By Geoffrey White, Associated Press Writer [BR]United Airlines Says It Will Seek to Void Labor Contracts [BR][BR][BR][SPAN class=headline][A href=http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/021227/united_airlines_2.html]United Seeks to Void Labor Contracts[/A][/SPAN]
If UAL voids the contracts, the unions are free to strike. UAL can not afford that to happen. Even if the employees didn't strike. They would run the risk of having the most P.O.ed group of people working for them. Either situation, will likely cause their death.
Unlike UAL, American began the changes needed to survive, a while back. We have cut 2 billion in capitol expense's while UAL was still doing nothing. AA is not immune from destruction. We are just a bit better prepared to avoid it.
No, you're NOT better prepared to avoid it. If UAL cancels all of their labor contracts, regardless of financial position, AMR will RUN LIKE THE WIND to the nearest BK judge and kill it's labor contracts too.[BR][BR]Time for you to stop coddling this airline for what it is not, and remember, to this airline's executive teams, you are CHATTEL, nothing more, just a bargaining chip, and a human slush fund.
I certainly hope you guys are not arrogant enough to think AMR is not a potential candidate for BK. At UAL this filing was expected and with any luck we will survive and prosper in the new image that the airline industry is taking. While AMR may have some friends in the White House for the next year and you can probably count on a change in administration and a change in the political power AMR has. That is is AMR can right the ship prior to its own BK by about sept of 2003 if no changes are made to the current operation.

The problems UAL has are pretty much the same at AMR and shuttering the doors at UAL will only put the spotlight on AMR to make changes or face the same fate.

The future is pretty bleak for the "legacy" carriers.
On 12/27/2002 3:42:53 PM magsau wrote:

I certainly hope you guys are not arrogant enough to think AMR is not a potential candidate for BK. At UAL this filing was expected and with any luck we will survive and prosper in the new image that the airline industry is taking. While AMR may have some friends in the White House for the next year and you can probably count on a change in administration and a change in the political power AMR has. That is is AMR can right the ship prior to its own BK by about sept of 2003 if no changes are made to the current operation.

The problems UAL has are pretty much the same at AMR and shuttering the doors at UAL will only put the spotlight on AMR to make changes or face the same fate.

The future is pretty bleak for the "legacy" carriers.

I'd say that AA more than likely spreads money on both sides of the isle.
On 12/27/2002 4:57:06 PM WingNaPrayer wrote:

No, you're NOT better prepared to avoid it. If UAL cancels all of their labor contracts, regardless of financial position, AMR will RUN LIKE THE WIND to the nearest BK judge and kill it's labor contracts too.

Time for you to stop coddling this airline for what it is not, and remember, to this airline's executive teams, you are CHATTEL, nothing more, just a bargaining chip, and a human slush fund.

UAL can't cancel its labor contracts, only the Judge can do that. If the unions make it clear that they will use self help to defend their rates and conditions then it comes down to whether or not the creditors best interests are served by liquidating the airline immediately or allowing the labor agreements to remain in place. The judge could reasonably be expected to tell the parties to go back and work out some arrangement or he would have to push them into C-7. The first thing the unions should demand is a short term agreement.
[STRONG][EM]What does money and the sides of an isle have to do with anything?[/EM][/STRONG][BR][BR]
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[P class=text][STRONG]Off-topic Posts[/STRONG][BR]Each of our boards has a particular topic. Please post only messages that relate to that topic. If you are posting a reply to another user's message, and your reply will take the thread off-topic, please Email or Private Message it to the previous poster instead of posting it publicly, or edit it to keep the thread on-topic after your post. [/P]
Ok, "thedog" is already irritating me, just about the same way Dogfart used to, and WingNa still does.
Yes we could be next. UAL's costs were 50% higher than WN, and AA's were 48% higher. If UAL were to liquidate, that could help AA for a while.
USAir pilots are facing a 50% cut in pay. UAL is looking to outsource all their heavy maintenance, like WN does. Airlines other than WN do not want employees right now. They will try to compete by slashing employees, but it will not help them compete with WN.
Things do not look good if you are an airline employee right now. Get ready for a new career.
On 12/27/2002 6:44:21 PM bagsmasher wrote:

Ok, "thedog" is already irritating me, just about the same way Dogfart used to, and WingNa still does.

I'll sleep better tonight someone actually irritated you Bags. That 'Dogfart' fellow should receive praise, not scorn being compared to this Johnny-come-
lately, ' 'Thedog,' what's that supposed to mean anyway? Is he supposed to scare us into believing his views?

Yes, Bags the company's current situation is dire, but one that has a 'happy ending ,' at least for those at JFK. Here where terrorist waged their war on democracy on 911, is where AMR will launched it's 'gateway to the world' via the ever expanding flight schedule (TWA dormant routes BCN FCO) Shannon SNN in the works, This coupled with the ever expanding terminal, code-share with Swissair, and future BA for LHR, proves Carty quite the opposite of you and 'thedog ' as being a true visionary in times of darkness, and dispair.

Yes, Dorothy (Bags) we're not just in Kansas anymore.
If thedog, is DOGFART, well we'll just have to shake our heads, grin, and bear it.
We gotta admit, (the) dog(FART), is one "cool dude, in a loose mood" !!!!!!!!

I would'nt insult your intelligence, by being foolish enough to think that we(AAers)could'nt head down the sad road that UAL is on now. Only time will tell.
IN the Meantime,

I personally, don't put UA, in the same boat as EA, or BN(Mabey PA), but again, TRY TO SHOW SOME COMPASSION, FOR SOME DECENT PEOPLE, WHO DESERVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!

I'll Defend your right to express your opinion's here, to the hilt.
With that said, You've made a name for yourself(here) pontificating on about 9 million different subjects, on this board !!!!!!!!
If my memory serve's me correct, YOUR NOT breaking any records here, with your "batting average"(true predictions)
In your case, RESULTS(to date), would serve you a hell-of-a-lot- better, than substance, IMHO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On 12/27/2002 6:19:34 PM thedog(RV4) wrote:

[STRONG][EM]What does money and the sides of an isle have to do with anything?[/EM][/STRONG]

[P class=titlesblue]Forum Rules & Etiquette[/P]
[P class=text][STRONG]Off-topic Posts[/STRONG]
Each of our boards has a particular topic. Please post only messages that relate to that topic. If you are posting a reply to another user's message, and your reply will take the thread off-topic, please Email or Private Message it to the previous poster instead of posting it publicly, or edit it to keep the thread on-topic after your post. [/P]

The thread says that we might be next for BK. The conversation included speculation that AA was benifiting from its good relations with the current "Republican" administration. Both sides of the isle implies the Democrats and the Republicans, both of which recieve monies from the airlines. I disagree with both suppositions. Its "on topic".
[STRONG][EM]I'm sorry it appeared the thread was about aviation contracts being voided, not political contributions.[BR][BR]My mistake.[/EM][/STRONG]