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Stock Tanked

Now is the time for shorts to say a big F U to the longs.

I see a gathering discontent with my friends in the pentagon, not to mention those in everyday US life.

An SOS in the airline group would be supported by the pentagon.

In fact, an SOS might head off a military coup. Not that I know what I am talking about.....
And your proof?

From my seat, labor relations has drastically improved under Doug Parker. The new management team has vast talent that will take this airline to a new level. I promise you that.

I won't speak for Doug, but he has a great attitude and is very open to the employee voices and ideas.

Pitbull, your negativity will never change. :down: But I wouldn't expect anything different from you.

Labor relations is on the right track!

lol......same song and dance. You don't have to speak for Doug. His lack of concern for employees speaks volumes.

WHY were the U-West AFA section 6 negotiations indefinitely suspended by the MEDIATOR???? Never heard of such a thing, EVER IN HISTORY or in the Railway Labor Act! Who invented that manuver, my friend?

Let me guess who Jerry has in his pocket on the federal level..hmmm...

From my perch, Hell will break loose if there are no improvements to the transition negotiations via West section 6, specifically from the East f/as who are waiting for improvements to their pay. They will assist in picketing the hell out of you when called upon by the West MEC and f/as. And don't even think that the West fa/s will put up with 9 months of active rate medical employee contribution that the East f/as had jammed down their throats in bk, when West currently have 24 months to 36 while on medical leave in their current contract at cheaper contributions for better coverage...dream on.

The East is being educated as we post! :up:

PS: Did you happen to see the bad press on WalMart (again) for not providing adequate and/or affordable health care to their employees? The taxpayers in the state of Maryland have had to provide subsidies and medicade for those employees who can ill afford healthcare working for one of the biggest and wealthiest CORPORATIONS in the United States. The taxpayers have had it with WalMart and Maryland is now going to tax WalMart. Wallstreet doesn't like it, and in my crystal ball I SEE A UNION IN WALMART'S FUTURE! :up: B)

Personally, you will never see me step foot in a WalMart store. I give my $$ to companies who value their employees and treat them fairly and with respect. Those ware the companies who receive my earned $$.
Nice post Pitbull - and I too will do without if I have to get something at walmart - they have never and will never see my money.
Personally, you will never see me step foot in a WalMart store. I give my $$ to companies who value their employees and treat them fairly and with respect. Those ware the companies who receive my earned $$.

I agree thats why I tell everyone I talk to not to use 99% of the US airlines flying including USAirways whos near top of list. Its funny Bob doesn't shop at Wallyworld yet uses USAirworld. Maybe he just does it to use the rest rooms... it's fitting don't you think?
I am far from a Wall Street expert, but could the Dec numbers have a lot to do with the drop in price?
I am far from a Wall Street expert, but could the Dec numbers have a lot to do with the drop in price?

Perhaps, but my WAG is that the LCC-Bubble has popped. Nothing about the fundamentals of US/HP ever supported its rocket from $20 to $40 in a few short weeks, and now it's headed back to somewhere around $20.

Of course, in the past week, nearly every airline stock has tanked - fuel prices are still quite high.
Nothing about the fundamentals of US/HP ever supported its rocket from $20 to $40 in a few short weeks, and now it's headed back to somewhere around $20.

Throw in that 4 days ago Morningstar said that LCC was one of the markets most overvalued stocks with a price 3.3 times fair value.....

Throw in that 4 days ago Morningstar said that LCC was one of the markets most overvalued stocks with a price 3.3 times fair value.....


Very true, but Morningstar waited until Friday to stick its neck out and declare the stock overvalued while the tanking began on Tuesday. By then, of course, oil had begun its spike skyward.

Where were the "the stock's overpriced" analysts when it hit $40?
Where were the "the stock's overpriced" analysts when it hit $40?

Thats simple.. At 40, those analysts were busy selling the rest of their portfolios to cover the short postions they were about take on.
Where were the "the stock's overpriced" analysts when it hit $40?

1/11/06 "It simply went up due to a rising tide floats all ships...there are no fundemental reasons for the stock to be worth much of anything."

I've been here all along... 😉
Here is a quick analysis (I am not an analyst, nor do I play one on TV):

Look at the following charts:

Note that intangable assets were extremely high; what are they?
Next, cash flow: This is mostly the old U; however, we know the old U is the new LCC and there is nothing new here except management, which has been lackluster, thus far.


The most disturbing chart of all is this:


My point is, do your homework before you own a stock. The fundamentals are worse than horrible here. Don't be part of a personality cult or a gut feeling. The numbers never lye.
Interesting balance sheet...

Total Liabilities > Total Assets

Total Liabilities are $3 billion greater than total assets if you take out Goodwill. Goodwill cannot be sold and has no resale value.

This company is a financial joke! Who cares if it's sitting on a billion dollars of borrowed cash it will be hard pressed to earn and pay back?

No self respecting manager of US Airways could ever in good conscious tell an employee that it would be a good fiancial move to purchase LCC equity.