Depends on the bid sheet and how the flights are sequenced. It is going to take a lot of flying to offset having to commute to LGA. The positive note for some recalled is the fact that they are at top pay. It is strangely "funny" to listen to 60 year old women, with 35 to 40 years of experience, talk about sharing "crash pads" and being on reserve. (And sounding positively giddy over the adventure) It just proves that jet fumes get into your blood (or kill brain and no matter how others perceive the job, it still beats working for a living.
At five I ran away from my aunt and uncle while on a "field trip" to National to watch the planes take off. They eventually found me in the American Airlines crew lounge. And that was 55 years ago. Talking about coming full circle. I am still mesmerized by planes taking off and landing. ( just like that little kid) I love social work and would have loved to do both but not with AA 's work rules. The trading policies alone help me make my decision. Those coming back REALLY want to be there. I know you all will welcome these men and women as the true professionals they have been for many years. If you have a chance, listen to the stories of their flying history. You WILL be entertained.
I agree and second the above post. They are excited to be back in the air and have exciting stories to tell. And from personal experience working with them I believe nearly all will do a great job and shine as the true professionals they are.