STL Forced Transfers

Depends on the bid sheet and how the flights are sequenced. It is going to take a lot of flying to offset having to commute to LGA. The positive note for some recalled is the fact that they are at top pay. It is strangely "funny" to listen to 60 year old women, with 35 to 40 years of experience, talk about sharing "crash pads" and being on reserve. (And sounding positively giddy over the adventure) It just proves that jet fumes get into your blood (or kill brain and no matter how others perceive the job, it still beats working for a living.
At five I ran away from my aunt and uncle while on a "field trip" to National to watch the planes take off. They eventually found me in the American Airlines crew lounge. And that was 55 years ago. Talking about coming full circle. I am still mesmerized by planes taking off and landing. ( just like that little kid) I love social work and would have loved to do both but not with AA 's work rules. The trading policies alone help me make my decision. Those coming back REALLY want to be there. I know you all will welcome these men and women as the true professionals they have been for many years. If you have a chance, listen to the stories of their flying history. You WILL be entertained.

I agree and second the above post. They are excited to be back in the air and have exciting stories to tell. And from personal experience working with them I believe nearly all will do a great job and shine as the true professionals they are.
Whatever. Get off your pedestal and note that while you are talking about other people whining you were doing the same thing.

You know, Jim, you have it all wrong. I see that you are upset about your base. It is understandable. You, however, don't know anything about me. I do care about what happens to other flight attendants, in addition to caring about what concerns me. Unless you are really, really senior (top 10%) EVERYTHING that happens in other places has an impact on you somehow.

I can commiserate with you right now about base shrinkage. You may not be able to understand my plight, however, because the grass is always greener and you might think that my situation would be preferable to yours because I fly out of a base where your house is.

In a nutshell:

-moved to dallas because it was cheaper than ny.
-Paid to transfer to international.
-Was pushed back to domestic from Oct-Dec because of base shrinkage.(we stopped Osaka)
-had a RIF threat to have 200 of us (def. me) pushed back to domestic permanantly, with 2 year reinstatement rights.
-No RIF but had threat of falloffs over my head until may 1st when we started increased summer schedule.
-hold bad line every month. Have to keep the garbage because trading is not an option. Hardly ever happens.
-make up is non existent if you aren't average of 30 years FA.
-Nobody drops their trips.
-The only base where avbl goes super senior too.
-Open time is usually stale. (do an N4I/IDF) on any given day and you will only see CCS trips because there are violent demonstrations going on right now and nobody wants to go.
-Base is operating at an overage and some reserves finish the month with 37 hours.
-Hiboard is dry.
-RIF looming once again because ZRH stops October 1st and GRU summer additional flight ends in september.

Unlike many other people, my happiness with work correlates with happiness at home. I also actually like working and it is hard to be at a base where the trips are so scarce.

I am going to once again pick up and move before the reduction in force happens for real in the fall.

Where I am going to go is up in the air. I am a nervous wreck right now just thinking about it.

Commuting from here is not an option because I don't know if I really like it all that much to stay here and commute.

So, you see, other bases have similar problems.

Life is full of choices. I choose to live in New York..actually the burbs of northern New Jersey..because the flying in New York is by far the best. At 16 years I am off reserve, buddy bid with a friend, hold my top 5 choices, have a July vacation, and fly transcons almost exclusevly.

In return, I have to deal with everything life throws at you in New York. I pay $12 in tolls to get work..I live 26 miles from JFK. I have extremely high property taxes. The winters are cold. It is very crowded. Sometimes I fantasize about selling my house here and buying a beautiful house in Texas with the equity I have in this house. Then I wouldn't have a mortgage and could just fly my schedule in DFW and have it made. To get me back to reality..all I have to do is fly one S80 trip out of LGA and realize that I have it really good here. Life is full of choises and for me it is really important to be happy at work. Plus..the people here are some of the best in the world.
Then I wouldn't have a mortgage and could just fly my schedule in DFW and have it made.

Plus, at "only" 16 years, you would be back on reserve at DFW. :lol:

BTW, my niece works for Schering Plough and lives up in your neck of the woods. She loves living in northern Jersey--north and west of EWR about 40-50 miles.
Dear Skymess,
Sorry you might be bumped back to DFW, but it's not all bad. I think you will find a lot more flexibility, more trips to pick up, more people willing to trade, more make up trips, etc.

I know it's not Tokyo or London, but the flexibility on domestic is much better.

That's really sweet of you S80 dude. If I were to stay I'm sure I would love to fly with you.

I have to admit that as a New Yorker as well as a New York based FA I had the perception of DFW/IDF FA's as a bunch of company suck ups and phony baloney's.

I was nervous about flying my first trip out of there because of my perceptions. I wanted to go to the base because I wanted to be able to afford a great house without having to work 800 hours a month.

What I discovered about Dallas is what we all know but seem to forget in life; you can't listen to rumor and you can't assume anything. I have worked with some fantastic people at both IDF and DFW when I fell off for 3 months.

The thing for me is that I know that I love to fly but I am happiest when I fly on widebody airplanes. I really like going to different countries on my layovers too. I love to poke around foreign grocery stores. I know it sounds silly when I should probably love other things, but I know what I like. I ike to eat! All the time!!

I am going to try out IOR. As stupid as it sounds, I have NEVER been downtown Chicago and everyone who has ever been there says it is a really great city. I'll check it out. I may love it and stay or just wind up back in NY because my family is there and I am a real New Yorker at heart. I really miss everyone being a smart a** all the time. Too much syrupy sweetness really gets on my nerves. :D
I also miss Italian food.(I'm an Italian New Yorker) Dallas Italian food is gross. (sorry, but it's true) I also can't find any of the products I need there to make my own food. Mexican stuff, yes, italian stuff, no. Half the time I fly back from NY my bag is stuffed full of food I am importing myself.
That's really sweet of you S80 dude. If I were to stay I'm sure I would love to fly with you.

I have to admit that as a New Yorker as well as a New York based FA I had the perception of DFW/IDF FA's as a bunch of company suck ups and phony baloney's.

I was nervous about flying my first trip out of there because of my perceptions. I wanted to go to the base because I wanted to be able to afford a great house without having to work 800 hours a month.

What I discovered about Dallas is what we all know but seem to forget in life; you can't listen to rumor and you can't assume anything. I have worked with some fantastic people at both IDF and DFW when I fell off for 3 months.

The thing for me is that I know that I love to fly but I am happiest when I fly on widebody airplanes. I really like going to different countries on my layovers too. I love to poke around foreign grocery stores. I know it sounds silly when I should probably love other things, but I know what I like. I ike to eat! All the time!!

I am going to try out IOR. As stupid as it sounds, I have NEVER been downtown Chicago and everyone who has ever been there says it is a really great city. I'll check it out. I may love it and stay or just wind up back in NY because my family is there and I am a real New Yorker at heart. I really miss everyone being a smart a** all the time. Too much syrupy sweetness really gets on my nerves. :D
I also miss Italian food.(I'm an Italian New Yorker) Dallas Italian food is gross. (sorry, but it's true) I also can't find any of the products I need there to make my own food. Mexican stuff, yes, italian stuff, no. Half the time I fly back from NY my bag is stuffed full of food I am importing myself.

Best lesson of the day...Perceptions are just that and nothing more. (and rarely correct)

I have had excellent flights out of IOR and have never seen anything but the highest level of professionalism both in f/c and main cabin.

Your love of Intn' is a great example of how different we all are when it comes to flying. I loved all night turns, 8 to 10 nights a month and ANY trip to ANC was shear heaven.

I'm flying to STX on Thurs. so if any of you all happen to be working the early morning flt out of STL to MIA, or MIA to STX, please come and introduce yourself. Nancy
[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='494770' date='Jun 12 2007, 07:05 AM']I agree with you 100%! It is non-stop with him.[/quote]

He wasn't whinning, just stating a fact or two...Once again, perceptions.

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