Statement By Us Airways Alpa

Just what is the statement going to consist of when the company returns for give back #4 :down:
TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
:down: For crying out loud! Move on aready. Yout whining on here is falling on deaf ears.
Isn't that what you said after round #2?
First off, any fool that says they won't be back for more, is kidding themselves! The only way this junkie won't want another fix, is if someone puts them out of their misery!

Secondly, I read the statement from the pilots union as follows... Blah, Blah, Blah, we're the greatest, and most giving, Blah, Blah Blah!!!

By the way, not to say I told you so... However, I said WAY BACK WHEN, after the first round, that they would be back for more. Well, guess what, I'VE BEEN RIGHT TWICE NOW!!! KILLS YOU DON'T IT!
PineyBob said:
There is no money left for the employees to give back. This is it, it's in managements hands to drive cost from the system via operational effiencies.

They come back for more and I'm on the full pay to the last day side. The whining and crying needs to stop. The ball is in managements court.
YEAH, whatever BOB!!!!! :down:
PineyBob said:
There is no money left for the employees to give back. This is it, it's in managements hands to drive cost from the system via operational effiencies.

They come back for more and I'm on the full pay to the last day side. The whining and crying needs to stop. The ball is in managements court.

You smoke Crack with Lakefield don't you!!

No money to give back?? Sure you do.

You make plenty more than a WalMart Greeter or the cashier at Home Depot.. You yes "Bob" you have plenty to give back.. Lakefield and company know that to.

What are you going to do say no? HA HA HA.. You havn't yet.

Round #4 will come... It's just a matter of time.

The beauty of ALPA, they give it willingly.
PineyBob said:
The whining and crying needs to stop.
Bob and the rest of ya..... I am working in one of the stations that is on the "outsource list". My days are numbered. Whoopee for those who have a career (?) with this organization. Let's see what I have to look forward to .... NOTHING. I voted NO. Would vote NO again. If in my shoes and the shoes of thousands liked me would you be "happy"? The only thing I have to look forward to is the day they finally come to my sta and say "It finally over. Go draw your severance, then unemployement for as long as you can." If this is whining and crying....I don't think I'll ever stop talking about Enron and Useless Airways, and how they are so much alike. There ain't a damn thing you can do about it either.
Oh, and a bad attitude is better than no attitude at all. Have a nice day!
I have to agree with Piney. The pressure is on management to perform. Labor has given them what they said they needed to turn this company right side up or at least to satisfy what the creditors want. Surely management knows that labor will never give in again and if they ask it may be time to close the doors. Management needs to focus on industry competition and almost certain rising fuel cost. And most of all, hope there's not a disaster of some sort. These guys are keeping their money while they asked everybody else to sacrifice. They have to prove they are worth it.

There is a lot of speculation about a merger, sale etc. How could this happen with U's dept, the ATSB, BKII and countless other issues? I could see where another carrier would want routes, gates and maybe A/C if compatible. But that sounds more like a liquidation sell not a merger. Also, if the Feds wouldn't go for it the first time, why would they go for it now?

Keep a close eye on management from here on out. If they start going over the hill in masses it may be a sign that the fat lady is warming up.

Good luck.
TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
:down: For crying out loud! Move on aready. Yout whining on here is falling on deaf ears.

It looks like I will be one of the "lucky" ones who will be moving on.....Collecting my severence, some $$$ for my unused sick time ,ect,ect......I will however monitor the boards and when #4 comes I will await your response!!!! :p
The next thing to happen, with regard to more employee consessions, is the suprise shutdown of the airline. They won't be back for more.
TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
:down: For crying out loud! Move on aready. Yout whining on here is falling on deaf ears.

Speak for yourself I hear it loud and clear and fully expect #4 and more as the employees have proven to the company that there is not such a thing as giving back too much. Move on already? Ha you can't move on will you hear the echo's "I'll be back" in the future, that is if there is a future for Usairways.

As you well know, and must have seen the numbers...

The IAM-M have given more this round than any other group on the property.

ALPA does not take the lead here, and they should just "shut up" about THEIR investment.

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