[A href=http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/021001/dctu075_1.html]http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/021001/dctu075_1.html[/A][BR][BR][BR]Recently overheard in the TPA USAirways Club a PAX ***** about not being able to standby for an earlier flight. Guess what, the agent so kindly put him on that earlier flight after the customer pitched a fit. And he didn't have to pay an extra $100 to get on that flight. Oh yeah and he ended up sitting next to me in first class too. [BR][BR]On my recent trip home for DAY, I so kindly asked the agent if I could catch the 6am direct flight home to PIT instead of the 6:40 am flight to PHL then home to PIT. I didn't need to pitch a fit and I thanked her for allowing me to fly home direct instead of that awful connection. And I didn't have to cough up an extra $100.[BR][BR]What does the $100 extra get USAirways?? NOTHING but *****y and irritable customers. I can't wait for the day when PHL and LGA are delayed because of bad weather and the agents are scrambling to try and get people on other flights. Let's also see how this is going to effect the pilots and flight attendants trying to get to their stations or home and they are not able to get on the plane because of the large number of people that have to reaccomodated.[BR][BR]This winter is going to be fun.[BR][BR]