If your up for an interesting read you should check the us airways inflight magazine web cite
us media kit 2007 , look under the advertise with us section and check out the 2007 media kit PDF file , it’s a load of BS if I ever saw one …. And get this , their OWN material says us airways is the number one inflight in add pages for 2006 . Maybe that’s the so called award they were boasting about in the june 2007 issue .
According to their demographics the median business class flyer on us airways makes 62,000 dollars a year and owns a 360,000 dollar house ,74% of business class fliers own homes , of that 10% own a house worth more than 750,000 . You know , go back 4 or 5 years ago and I bet that was probably the case , but perhaps they haven’t heard about our first class upgrade now for only 50 dollars each way! Not to mention the fact that while F/C may always seem full , that’s because it’s got us airways employees and dividen members who’ve been upgraded sitting in the seats .It just seems to me after reading their demogrpahics section that they caculated a median income assuming that each flight had 8-12 fully occuiped seats with full fare first class flyers .
Pace communications is selling add space in the magazine as if it’s actually widely read , while it may be “looked at “ there are in fact so many adds that there is simply no one add that can stand out long enough in the sea of adds to grab the viewers attention , their own sales pitch dams them . Even the usual gimmicks of slapping add space on items such as barf bags is blown out of all realistic proportion by pace , for instance they claim that the quarterly reach/impressions of the air sickness bags is close to 700,00 views . You know I can’t remember the last time I was sitting in first when I saw a business executive pick up a barf bag (i did see a two year old in coach do it once ), let alone read it . Furthermore , has anyone noticed the placement of these bags , you can see the us airways magazine , you can see sky mall and the safety manual but the air sickness bags are down in the bottom of the seat back , you don’t see the item unless your pulling it out and I’m quite sure this isn’t done 700,000 times in a quarter . By buying space on this item a company is effectively saying “look at us , we don’t know what we’re doing or even how to advertise , so the best idea we could come up with is to buy space on this vomit bag that no one will ever read “ (quarterly cost of the air sickness add 75,00 )
It leaves me in stitches that the marketing staff of the us airways magazine would even feature their business class segment as a viable population to market too , this IS after all the airline whose first class service is SO bad that the frequent fliers of this airline have banded together to form an organization to protest the lack of service/terrible conditions , see FFOCUS .
This publisher has built themselves a house of cards to live in , and that house has been built on an earthquake fault in a hire fire area lol .