Split Topic - Thread Drift

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Light Years

Aug 27, 2002
I for one am glad that everyone is wise enough to not meet up with or exchange telephone numbers with nutcases you meet on the internet.

Bravo! :D :D :D :up: Light years carries many prejudices. Shame, but I for one am glad she no longer has the ability to confont U customers, although she claims she never carried her emotions to work. Yeah, right........
planejane said:
Light years carries many prejudices. Shame, but I for one am glad she no longer has the ability to confont U customers, although she claims she never carried her emotions to work. Yeah, right........

Hey hey now, where did you get the idea that Light Years carries prejudices? That isn't fair to say. :angry: I always think his/her posts are worthwhile, knowledgeable, and unbiased. I am sure if we were to cross Light Years' path, she/he would be professional and courteous. That's the impression I get.
planejane said:

Bravo! :D :D :D :up: Light years carries many prejudices. Shame, but I for one am glad she no longer has the ability to confont U customers, although she claims she never carried her emotions to work. Yeah, right........

This is what I call a personal attack. Uncalled for, unfounded, and ignorant.

Light years is one of the most considerate, well- balanced people you could be so fortunate to ever meet!
PineyBob said:
How is it unfounded? Don't you remember him/her calling everyone homophobic?

I seem to recall her taking someone to task on a dumb joke, that's all. I look forward to (almost) every post she makes. She brings humor and some common sense from the FA side, and often some very good info.
Some people joke about subjects that they are not completely comfortable with. Is that homophobic? Not always. In our society, homophobia doesn't worry me as much as hate and intolerance.
RowUnderDCA said:
Homophobia is hate and intolerance.
To me homophobia is fear of gays etc. Hate and intolerance is more likely to lead to action against said group. Just my opinion as a gay man of 41 years working in a homophobic but not necessarily hateful environment, aircraft maintenance.
Now that this moderator has figured out how to split topics I will try to keep the way out there thread drift to a minimum. This was split from the ALPA discussion. I really dont see the need to devote an entire thread to one poster so will close this for now. I didnt want to delete the posts, hence the Board Nazis be accused of censorship, but I dont see a need to continue this particular discussion at this time.
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