You are absolutely correct about one fleet type. The training float for U is 300 pilots,I am told. As a brief explanation to others, training float would be defined as the number of pilots that are not flying the line due to upgrade/downgrade/transition/equipment change. It is exascerbated by the huge downsizing, just like it ballooned when we were growing with new airbuses. Not only does it steal line pilots, but it requires more pilots to be used as instructors. I would guess LUV has a float of about 50 pilots due to the one fleet type and the consistency of its hiring and training. Can you give us an accurate number, Rhino?
It is clear to me that the new LUV contract is very, very, good and that LUV pilots will be making significantly more than the U pilot, particularly 2004 and after.
The working agreement most certainly does have an impact on productivity and efficiency. It is not the only thing, but it is a factor. To prove it to you, let me ask you just two questions:
If the USairways pilot was free to fly as much as he wanted and there was ample flying time for all to have, and if it was scheduled efficiently, how much extra would the U pilot fly?
If the Usairways pilot was free to sell back all the vacation he could, how much would he sell?
The answer to those questions is that he would be as productive as he could be(within the FAR's) just like the LUV pilot.
The manning formulas are a function of the flexibility built into our contract(read bid sheet), among other things. Lets look at the manning.
LUV: 4124 pilots, 367 airplanes for a ratio of 11.2 pilots per aircraft
U: 4241 pilots , 280 airplanes for a ration of 15.1 pilots per aircraft.
Lets be sure we are comparing apples with apples, So, the U figure includes: 250 longterm disability, 300 supervisor pilots, and 300 training float. Therefore if you subtract those out, yes, you get the ratio of 12.1 pilots per airplane that A320av8r refers to.
The question to Rhino is " Does the pilot figure of 4124 advertised in LUV press releases, include all pilots on the senority list, like training float, LT disablilty and supervisorS?"
I'm guessing it does.