Come on now. Give the "BusDrvr" a break. I enjoy watching him skew his messages to his viewpoint probably just as much as he enjoys my doing the same. We both obviously want to defend our companies. In fact, I like the "BusDrvr" so much I even created a new avatar to acknowledge the inspiration behind the creation of his airline "Theodore" 😀
Thanks Corl, and I do feel the same way. About the only thing MGA's post was missing was "yo Momma" and "I know you are but what am I".
For those not paying attention.
I haven't flown an Airplane of any type in 1 1/2 years. I could have, I CHOSE not to. The current industry payrates IMO are too low, and they are below what I'm willing to sell this skill I spent so much time and effort developing. In truth, I also think wages for Mechs and F/A's are also too low. We will soon as an industry cease to attract the kind of talent we should have at all levels.
But to the feeble attempt at a point on the part of MGA.
Vegas, AKA sin city: The economy is booming on the backs of two industries that likely have a NEGATIVE impact on the economy as a whole: Gambling and prostitution. I'll conceded that SWA has helped those industries in Vegas by openning up air travel to the Hefty Cinch Sack as luggage crowd so that they can easily access another way to get exploited.
Phoenix: A primarily service oriented economy geared to Grandma. I've always said that was a benefit of SWA....Cheap fares to go see grandma.
Have the real estate markets boomed in both cities? Certainly. It boomed from previously bargain basement prices, and from a demographic standpoint, it makes sense. As baby boomers retire, they go to the hot climates. The money made off of them does not require access to Asian Markets and a worldwide route structure.
Now if you (MGA) want to look halfway intellegent, then please gather some relevant data that shows industry other than health care, gambling, golf, Casket making, and quicky weddings that is larger in the afformentioned cities vs legacy hubs.