Southwest breaks 50 year tradition...


Apr 26, 2005
Southwest is slowly becoming one of the "other" big airlines. Getting rid of long-long time open seating, starting new red-eye flights, premium seating and so on. They better keep the "Bags-Fly-Free". I know most do like the assign seating so families can better sit together.

Southwest is no longer the darling of Wall Street, and they're "just another airline" in the eyes of most of us now.
Sad to see it happening.
Pretty much all the majors had record profits, except American but that was cause of a bad CCO, and corporate decisions.

You think it is sad to see it happening? Wait till Q3 and Q4 you will know the definition of sad. You will also know what pathetic means.

Southwest Airlines is a case of many DEI hires and bad management buddy-butt-bud hires, qualifications of McDonalds, combined with "SWAMECH" employees who think the world revolves around a low cost carrier.

A properly managed airline would of fired these people already, instead they got brain washed employees like swampy.

Lesson learned get ready for chapter 11 in a couple of years, also other airlines take note and never hire the idiots who list Southwest as experience.
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Oh and the airline market is dynamic and constantly evolving, when the demand is there and you offer subpar service for the same price, dont expect people to return or buy a "low cost" product. Id take a major product any day over a low cost.

Just ask your CEO or execs who buy American and United products. lol
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