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Southwest A World Class Carrier!


May 8, 2007
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Just curious on when Herb and gang plan on taking the World over?! Being a global carrier with low costs, low fares, highest paid employees, etc. Fuel hedges beyond our crisis. No charges for anything?? How soon will they finally take on the Transatlantic market, Hawaii, Mexico, Canada, Carribian? ARE THEY HIRING? PHX, LAS, DEN, OAK, BWI, DAL, PHL, MDW, LAX, SAN, ISP, IAD, DCA, LGA, JFK, EWR, MIA, MCO, TPA, maybe HNL, OGG, LGW someday?? Would love to know, so I can get my resume in shape!!! :unsure: :up: 😉 We will ALL be SOUTHWEST one DAY! 😀 ARE THEY HIRING SOON? 🙂 You guys ROCK!! And I mean it!!!! 🙂
You could put your app in on-line today (you don't need to mail them anything). Just go to their website, click on the About Us link, then click on Careers to see what they are currently hiring for. They also take applications for jobs not currently open.

However, if the backlog of flight attendant apps is any indication, don't quit your current job just yet. When I was furloughed from AA in July, 2003, I put in an on-line app with WN the next day. They sent me an invitation to interview with them in December, 2004, the month after I was recalled to AA. :lol:
Thanks WCT for the comps, and its true what you said.

I do know we have not stopped hiring AMT's. It has slowed from what it used to be but we seem to always have new guys in the shop, of course a lot of them bid out first chance they get, for some reason BWI isn't considered the crown jewel of stations, lol.

Good luck and hope you get on.
You could put your app in on-line today (you don't need to mail them anything). Just go to their website, click on the About Us link, then click on Careers to see what they are currently hiring for. They also take applications for jobs not currently open.

However, if the backlog of flight attendant apps is any indication, don't quit your current job just yet. When I was furloughed from AA in July, 2003, I put in an on-line app with WN the next day. They sent me an invitation to interview with them in December, 2004, the month after I was recalled to AA. :lol:
the new LAS FA base is growing like mushroom's.
Yeah, I know. I was commuting to work in STL on WN and one of their f/as told me that they were increasing the LAS base from 500 to 1500 f/as.
And WN will benefit once again with US Airways cutting flights this fall. When are they taking over DEN from United? :lol: