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Something to think about!

If it's ineffective then how come the only people who are dying from it are the unvaccinated?

If you won't take a shot because it's not 100% effective, then I would suggest having the doctors put you in a medically induced coma because there isn't a 100% chance that you'll be back once you go outside ......... Answer to that is those who are unvaccinated are "NOT" the "only" ones that died! Did you know that those who die within 30 days of being vaccinated are labeled as unvaccinated?
Would love to see a vaccine for cancer or heart disease.

Would hate to see people refuse them.
There seems to be a relationship between smoking and lung cancer. Why isn't the government banning the sale of cigarettes? It could be an emergency order to free up ICU beds that lung cancer patients are using.
THey sure did. But they DID wear stuff like this...gown...gloves...shoe covers....N95 mask...surgical mask....face shield. And you guys whine about wearing a mask.

And the only ones who are unemployed are the ones who are stupid enough to not get a vaccine. NOW...the hospital MIGHT reconsider if the antivaxers were willing to sign a statement holding the hospital harmless if they should contact Covid. Because you know and I know...as soon as one of them gets it (while working a the ONE place they will bring people with Covid), they'll sue because 'the hospital shoulda done more to protect them.

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There seems to be a relationship between smoking and lung cancer. Why isn't the government banning the sale of cigarettes? It could be an emergency order to free up ICU beds that lung cancer patients are using.

The government makes money of tobacco tax. But - the progression of lung cancer has been slow enough that hospitals have been able to easily handle the lung cancer cases that they get. And THOSE patients often get the chemo and other treatments on an outpatient basis are are only in the hospital for their last days. Covid patients come in on their FIRST day.
Put it in perspective. A sad tragedy, no doubt. We lose some 650,000 to cardiac disease and another 600,000 to cancer, EVERY YEAR.

Where's the media manufactured outrage over that?

It's a cold, hard reality of nature.
Can those turn into 78 million deaths? You just keep speaking the oann, newsmax, faux news reruns.
Yep And some people die from the flu shot. 650,000 who died from Covid vs 1,750 that died from the vaccine. I'm not a betting man, but I'd call not getting the shot because you might die from it a "long shot". And the only place they are calling them "unvaccinated" are on conspiracy theory websites.

And we had some nurses protesting the vaccine mandate from their hospital here. I used to work with a bunch of nurses and they said that if they quit their job over it, it was best for everybody because they shouldn't be working in health care in the first place
When trump and other gop leaders get the vaccine and tell the herd not to, you’ve got a problem. Baaaaaa
To be fair....Trump did tell people they should get the vaccine. He got booed, so to make lemonade from a lemon said 'you have your freedoms'. What I hope comes out is that Tucker Carlson has had the vaccine.

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