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Something to think about!

For those who don't want the vaccine...great....you have that freedom, but please stay away from other people. I know this is anecdotal, but it came from my kid, who was working their last week. She said it was a sad week. Two women, one 22 and the other 27 both were pregnant and had covid. They gave birth and then were immediately moved to ICU. They didn't get to see or hold their baby. They both died. A 28 year old man with a 7 month old at home also had Covid and died. My kid had the opportunity to see the lung of the 22 year old who died. She said it was covered in large black spots. The woman never smoked, the the docs told her that it looked worse than a smokers lungs. So enjoy the freedom on not getting vaccinated and not wearing a mask. But just remember that with all your "Fauci is a fraud" rhetoric....you might just take a kids parent away.,

Please dude.. I am vaccinated. I do think at some point this vaccine provided protection.. I no longer believe it now. Delta showed this vaccine really provides not much protection against this variant . Especially those of us at high risk. Fauci is a fraud and is complicit in some ways. His advice is all over the damn map. I know science evolves but please. This is why some people have concerns on this vaccine even tho the left want to paint everyone who has doubts as MAGA people but they don't condemn black Americans who refuse it. People have concerns this is new technology and is under an EUA until just recently . Even medical people are quitting or getting fired over it. I don't trust this government or big pharma and I am not an anti vaxer . There are a lot of unanswered questions in this deal.
That's a great non-answer. keep up your research...................lol
That’s a nice way of saying your dense if you don’t get your answer. Hey your loved one died at 40, well w’e’re all going to die some day. Comprende?
That’s a nice way of saying your dense if you don’t get your answer. Hey your loved one died at 40, well w’e’re all going to die some day. Comprende?
That’s a nice way of saying your dense if you don’t get your answer. Hey your loved one died at 40, well w’e’re all going to die some day. Comprende?
I was just pointing out that you did not answer. Thanks for thinking I was nice.

For the record, I have had loved ones die before their time. In a span of four years I lost 5 family members. One was my wife. I think I comprehend.
Saw this and thought of Insp4

That’s what you would tell families of those who died?
Put it in perspective. A sad tragedy, no doubt. We lose some 650,000 to cardiac disease and another 600,000 to cancer, EVERY YEAR.

Where's the media manufactured outrage over that?

It's a cold, hard reality of nature.
If it's ineffective then how come the only people who are dying from it are the unvaccinated?

If you won't take a shot because it's not 100% effective, then I would suggest having the doctors put you in a medically induced coma because there isn't a 100% chance that you'll be back once you go outside.
Put it in perspective. A sad tragedy, no doubt. We lose some 650,000 to cardiac disease and another 600,000 to cancer, EVERY YEAR.

Where's the media manufactured outrage over that?

It's a cold, hard reality of nature.

I guess because the guy beside me having a heart attack can't give the heart attack to me or others.

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