Somebody is gaming the post voting

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Several forums have an IP tracker. I know there are IP ghoster programs that inhibit tracking. BUT wouldn't it have been easier to track an IP as to how many aliases the individual in question has?

All you have to do is you use an iPhone on your home wifi, switch over to 3G, and those will all show up as separate IP addresses.

Even at home, you can sometimes change an IP address just by disconnecting and reconnecting your DSL if you're not paying extra for a static IP.
Who cares? This is a public forum, everyone has their own perspective and different feelings about the topics. I guess some people have more free time to devote to posting here and care about their ranking among posters. Me, I just speak my mind and don't care if I share unpopular viewpoints, sometimes the truth hurts. I care how I'm perceived at places and in situations where it matters.

Who cares? This is a public forum, everyone has their own perspective and different feelings about the topics.

You're right as far as that goes. But a few tend to post what are really opinions or biases but label them as "Truth". WT is good at that - making claims and saying people will be embarressed to be found wrong about this or that, but when pinned down dismisses critism with a "I didn't say that".

He claimed that people like me would be wrong about the amount of jet-A the Trainer refinery would be able to produce so I tried a little experiment. I said that if people were going to be wrong, I'd put a number on the table and he could do the same and we'd see who was closest. Then he backtracked, saying that he didn't know anything about refining so had no idea how much jet-A Trainer would produce but DL hired experts who know more than those of us here. Which begs two questions - if he doesn't know who much jet-A will be produced, how can he claim that others will be wrong and can't one assume that ConocoPhillips also has experts who thought selling Trainer was the best solution? The answer is that DL's claims are presumed to be accurate by WT and presented as facts.

Personally, I think this thread should be closed.
Bantering back and forth about votes that mean nothing is counter productive in light of the industry ills we have today. Maybe move it to the water cooler where the coolers can chide in.
B) xUT
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When I started the conversation, I considered posting this to the Cooler, but it's here because 90% of WT's opinion pieces in the past six months have been in the AA forum (he's run off just about everyone else in the DL forum).

Very few of the high-time posters in the AA forum show up in the Cooler, so it probably would have gone unnoticed and unchecked.
You do realize that the irony of this whole subject is that some people are trying to humiliate someone else enough that they will shut up and disappear while at the same time we have pages and pages of posts by people who are fed up about what is happening to them but are unwilling to act on their convictions - or better yet come up w/ a plan that will gave AA labor control over its own destiny while still meeting the needs of the people who invest their money in American Airlines and AMR Corporation?

Perhaps the real lesson in all of this is that there are people who will act on their convictions, who aren't afraid to pay the price for those convictions - including popularity, and who aren't afraid to work to improve humanity and to support those who do what they do well.

You can run my popularity rating down to -999 or -9999 or -999,999 and it won't change the content of what I post.

If something of truth has to be said, I will post it regardless of the outcry from the peanut gallery.
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That's all fine and good, but still doesn't explain the hypocrisy in emulating Acorn, and creating a fake voter to offset what other people were saying about the content of your posts.

It's easy to dismiss user ratings as a popularity contest. I'm sure some people use them that way, but there's more than one way to look at statistics. When you see the top rankings for retailers or manufacturers, you can see what brands and products people put their trust in.

Perhaps the post rating system here isn't too different in that regard -- instead of a brand or a product, maybe that's just the list of people who've proven over time to be a trusted or reliable voice, vs. who is just here just to promote an agenda or simply get people worked up into a tizzy.
Personally, I prefer negative votes as that shows I'm hitting the right nerve and if I had the time or cared, would create several alias's to garner more negative votes !

BTW, understand there are more important things to discuss in the AA forums but, why in the hell did you come here to read, then belittle the topic, "Someone is Gaming the post voting", if it wasn't important ?

Please hit the red arrow on bottom right ! -70 Bad and counting !
MCI, never piss off a programmer, especially one who likes solving puzzles and searching for needles where there may not appear to be a haystack.... ;)

All told, I spent maybe 20 or 30 minutes doing the legwork, which was probably 20 minutes too long.
Hey!---- I know where your goat is tied!!!
While I'm not a big proponent of the post rating system here, when I notice certain posts being voted up/down, I sometimes look to see what the user's rating is just for fun...

A while back, I'd noticed that WT's rating was in the -200's, and BoeingBoy Jim's was in the 3000's.

After not checking for a couple weeks, on Monday, WT's rating was suddenly up to -50. Today it is +8.


There hasn't been much discussion on the DL forum, and he doesn't have too many posts here with positive ratings.

My guess is someone's been taking voting lessons from the Mayor of Chicago, and voting on older posts where nobody will notice the gaming.
Chicago? Obama's home turf? -----Which brings us to the conclustion that the "Ratings" are meaningless! Now,--- Let's get on with it!

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