Sky Gods

We all get it...The pilots hate the AMT's the AMT's hate the ramp, the ramp hates the cleaners...and so on and so on...

Here's a nice perspective on all this by fellow poster UAL_Tech. I can't find the thread it was in, but it fits perfectly everytime this "coat tail" BS shows up.
"This is something that someone here should explain to me because it must be beyond my comprehension.

I hear this ‘coat tale’ crap ‘wayyyyyyyyyy to much’ without a justification for this type of mentality.
In fact, this type of mentality continues to divide ‘us’ and provides fuel for the pyre.


The people that believe this are delusional and in some respects are insecure as to whom they are.

Do you (meaning the individuals that adhere to this philosophy) think that by ranting to reduce the wages of others will somehow(?) put their(!) pennies in you own pocket?

(FYI, the ‘penny watchers’ are scooping up all of the pennies, not you).

Would it not be more logical to state that if a ‘pickle picker’ employee makes X then ‘I should make’ = X + (X*j) for my skills? And, if the value of X is raised, would not the formula of ‘I should make’ be raised as well?

For those that adhere to the ‘mantra’ to reduce the wages of those that you ‘deem’ below your ‘status’ in your misguided search for higher wages are not only belittling yourselves but your fellow workers.

If we work together to raise the value of ‘X’ then we work to raise the value of ‘I should make'."

Good memory… :up:

I believe that it rings true. If we look at how the divide and conquer technique has proven to be successful as the last lemmings (SkyGods) take a reaming and then solicit ‘solidarity’.

This is sadly laughable. :wacko:

The ‘time’ for solidarity has been compromised and will take ‘many’ years to rebuild trusts amongst the workgroups that will probably be too late as it will take individual sacrifice for the benefit of ‘future’ workers and will require a certain fortitude and resolve that may not be possible in today’s worker/political environment.

JMHO, it will take another ‘coal mine’ environment to wake people up to join together.View attachment 5916

For those whom think that this will never happen, just look around, it’s happening now as companies dump their promises and obligations through the courts. On one hand they expound the increased expense of maintaining legacy workers and have to reduce costs to survive and on the other hand cry for importing labor due to a shortage of workers. :blink:

We are being played/used and I don’t FU(&ing like it!!! :angry2:
The legacy unions are as much to blame as anyone, and there needs to be a great awakening in them as well. But they will not change as long as there are ‘dues’ payers and the ‘collection plate’ is ‘global’.

We are FU(&ed and it is our own arrogant fault.

But don’t feel too bad, because our legacy will fall mainly on future generations (our children and chit). So ‘we’ have suffered somewhat but ‘they’ will suffer much more. :down:

Enough of my tirade. :rant:

Take Care,

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