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Should Us Airways Fas Make 70,000/yr

Any employee who is making 70K {other than a pilot} is putting in many hours at the airport . It can be done by MTC or FS, but you are working a ton of OT, to do so.

Thank you for the insight, btw, I work 19 days a month in year 20 here myself so I can relate.

PSA1979 said:
Actually, with the reduced wages the total for an International f/a max could be 66,119 per year. Of course that is with senior pay, flying Rome the highest paid trip and working 6 trips per month. Since there is only one flight a day, 30/6 = 7. So you are quoting the salary of 7 f/a's that can be lucky enough to be able to hold those trips. And this is being gone 18 days a month...
Good points Jim,

Food for thought indeed...

BoeingBoy said:
I won't go into the specifics of your F/A example because I honestly don't know what the F/A's make and don't really care.

Your question assumes that there is some "fairness" standard that should apply to anyone when it comes to pay vs work. You might want to be careful what you ask for.

UseYourHead said:
I fly International and the senior FAs are pulling down north of 70,000 year.

Granted they have many years of seniority; however, a Learjet pilot is lucky to make that out on the job market (and the way things are going airline pilots too).

So, with all do respect PITBull, with the judge about to render a judgement, and all the talk of what is and is not fair, I am asking you as you are a FA.

What is a fair wage for this craft (Flight Attendant)?




Well, I can tell you what a f/a should not be making and that is $27,000 a year in wage salary. With experience comes better service. But the company doesn't care about service or experience.

A pilot makes upward in the $200,000 range for cap. depending on equipment. International pilots who fly the 330 make quarter of amillion, what an airline VP makes...is that a fair wage for a pilot?

Is making an average of $134, 000 fair for U pilots or any pilot. We have Captains in other LCC making much less like JetBlue.

How far will you go down?
Pit, You were much too polite to this moron. Obviously he thinks he is worth every penny and looks DOWN on others. Savy :down:

Don't even go there. The f/a's who do make 70k, IF they do, (have you seen the w2) are VERY few and they are only taking advantage of a system that let's them fly much more than us domestic stews. 6 trips times a 19 hour Rome flight is 114 hours. Add in senior pay and overwater pay and higher intl per diem and yes you may make 70k. But that is few and the sacrifices many make away from home is worth it to them. Don't blame them for using their senority.

BTW, thanks for now making it look like we all make too much. Gotta love a $800 a month paycut. I hope all of you who #### about US having the highest labor cost will br proud, for starting tomorrow we are the lowest paid in the industry. Enjoy your pretzels and I hope you cohe on 'em. :angry:
UseYourHead said:
I fly International and the senior FAs are pulling down north of 70,000 year.

Granted they have many years of seniority; however, a Learjet pilot is lucky to make that out on the job market (and the way things are going airline pilots too).

So, with all do respect PITBull, with the judge about to render a judgement, and all the talk of what is and is not fair, I am asking you as you are a FA.

What is a fair wage for this craft (Flight Attendant)?



What a stupid, stupid, topic. So, since you fly International as a pilot, why should you make more than we domestic sky gods? C'mon, just trying to relate to what planet you are on here bud.
UseYourHead said:
I fly International and the senior FAs are pulling down north of 70,000 year.

What is a fair wage for this craft (Flight Attendant)?



Is it fair for a senior A330 Captain to make over $300k a year?

What is a fair wage for your craft?

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