She's Back! Welcome to Speaker Nancy Pelosi

I can't stand Trump. I think the Republican party will be the death of the middle class. But I think this is the biggest mistake that the Democrats could make. Pelosi has always been the second most hated democrat to the right (Hilary is the first). So now it's down to 'us against them'. God how I wish they would have voted in someone the right knew nothing about. So the country will stagnate...go nowhere...and Republicans will cry "Pelosi". Why did we give them that opportunity?
Here you go,,,,,,
You know it's amazing to see how hard the Democrats will fight for the Mexican people. I've been told to vote Democrat by my union(s) for thirty years but I can't remember them ever fighting this hard for us. In fact I can't remember them even lifting a finger. All that time while corporate America were making the working class pay into their medical, make stagnant wages or take pay cuts, take away their pensions or ship their jobs overseas the Democrats couldn't care less. But tell Mexicans they have to immigrate here the right way and not just walk in here illegally and that's when you'll see the the Democrats get up off their asses and fight. SMH.
Another example of Liberal Hypocrisy!!!........ So what has changed?
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