Maybe the person who does the Jetnews Q and A does the retirement postings. If you haven't noticed, there has been no Jetnews or Jetnews Q and A for quite some time on the Flight Service homepage.
I believe the main person who maintained JetNews and/or the Flight Service website moved onto another job about four or five weeks ago, and if Flight Service is like every other department at HDQ, he probably won't be replaced anytime soon.
Apparantly Former ModerAAtor was correct. They don't have the man power to continue JetNews and JetNews Q & A. They just didn't bother to announce it.
You were right on with your numbers regarding SEP. attrition of 73 F/A's. Can you work your magic with the OCT. numbers? Also, the union says there are only 4106 on furlough, but you say 4111. Which is accurate?
I should have Oct's numbers in a couple of days. As for the discrepancy in the number of furloughees, I added the various groups and came up with 4111. Perhaps a couple of furloughees quit or retired since my numbers came out?