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September 12, 2015 Raise or Average

700UW said:
Did I say any of that?
I clearly stated the fact changing unions doesnt change your CBA, until you negotiate a JCBA or Section 6 Negotiations.
Each of those is in the form of a question, that is the little thingy at the end looks like this ?
We did a little digging and came up with some numbers for the upcoming "averaging". These numbers come from the July 2014 LUS M&R contract and reaching out to contacts at Delta and United. Keep in mind this is just a SWAG...

DL $40.94
US $36.55
United $36.48

This gave an average of $37.99. Base pay + license only. We, LAA, are currently at $36.00. Again base + license only. The interesting thing is LUS has the same industry average language in their CBA.
Since the agreement was made prior to Little giving away our profit sharing for the 4% raise shouldnt the 4% be added above whatever the industry average comes out to? If not we will be the only twu represented group that lost our profit sharing and received nothing in return. Or just reinstate the profit sharing. No other group is having to absorb the profit 4% profit sharing trade off within the september raises.
dvlhog212 said:
We did a little digging and came up with some numbers for the upcoming "averaging". These numbers come from the July 2014 LUS M&R contract and reaching out to contacts at Delta and United. Keep in mind this is just a SWAG...DL $40.94US $36.55United $36.48This gave an average of $37.99. Base pay + license only. We, LAA, are currently at $36.00. Again base + license only. The interesting thing is LUS has the same industry average language in their CBA.
Yea I can really see a raise of $1.99.
We did a little digging and came up with some numbers for the upcoming "averaging". These numbers come from the July 2014 LUS M&R contract and reaching out to contacts at Delta and United. Keep in mind this is just a SWAG...

DL $40.94
US $36.55
United $36.48

This gave an average of $37.99. Base pay + license only. We, LAA, are currently at $36.00. Again base + license only. The interesting thing is LUS has the same industry average language in their CBA.
From what I know you are close on the numbers. It depends on if you are looking at it from the line or from overhaul. If you break it down to base pay and license premium it gives everybody a look and does not confuse anyone line or o/h. Delta has a .75 line premium. Their base pay and license premium is 40.19. UAL is about .50 below us and US is about .25 above us. Remember I said about because I do not have the numbers in front of me but the DAL numbers are correct.
Buck said:
On September 12, 2015 the Title I group is going have contractual increase of .93 cents or the Average Method applied. If I understand Title I will get one or the other.
However, when is the Gain Sharing Plan going to pay out?
Does anyone know the current Mechanic compensation for DL and UA?
The question we should be asking is whether or not the 4% raise we received for Jim Little giving away our profit sharing will survive the industry average wage adjustment? If not then our profit sharing was traded for zilch. The end result will put us at the same wage regardless of the 4% we got for giving up profit sharing only now we have no profit sharing. All the other groups will see a positive gain from losing their profit sharing plan but our 4%  will never make it through the wage adjustment! WTF
We deserve everything we are not getting. Did anyone really think the association was a new beginning?
The question we should be asking is whether or not the 4% raise we received for Jim Little giving away our profit sharing will survive the industry average wage adjustment? If not then our profit sharing was traded for zilch. The end result will put us at the same wage regardless of the 4% we got for giving up profit sharing only now we have no profit sharing. All the other groups will see a positive gain from losing their profit sharing plan but our 4%  will never make it through the wage adjustment! WTF
I mentioned to Viditich that it was stupid to take the raise in exchange for profit sharing due to the industry consolidating and record profits in the near future. Viditich said that it would take 2 billion dollars in profits to match the raise and that the membership would have hung him if he had not taken the raise. I wonder how much went into his pockets in exchange for this decision that we didn't get to vote on.
scorpion 2 said:
Since the agreement was made prior to Little giving away our profit sharing for the 4% raise shouldnt the 4% be added above whatever the industry average comes out to? If not we will be the only twu represented group that lost our profit sharing and received nothing in return. Or just reinstate the profit sharing. No other group is having to absorb the profit 4% profit sharing trade off within the september raises.
The 4.3%raise in lieu of profit sharing is already in our wage rate. Look at article 4 of the cba. It went into effect 12-09-13.
You are correct but the TWU shafted the AMTs because we have an adjustment
clause that will take effect this Sep.
Basically AMTs at AA gave up their profit sharing for the use of a 4.3% raise for two years (approximently) . The amount of our pay after the adjustment will be no different then had we kept our profit sharing , the adjustment does not factor for a 4.3% value of profit sharing.
chilokie1 said:
You are correct but the TWU shafted the AMTs because we have an adjustment
clause that will take effect this Sep.
Basically AMTs at AA gave up their profit sharing for the use of a 4.3% raise for two years (approximently) . The amount of our pay after the adjustment will be no different then had we kept our profit sharing , the adjustment does not factor for a 4.3% value of profit sharing.
Thanks for clarifying that. All the groups that will receive raises this sept will see the full 4.3% that was exchanged for the profit sharing. The AMT's will have their 4.3% profit sharing raise absorbed into the wage adjustment and not come out the other side. The value of the trade shouldnt get diminished because of the wage adjustment. The wage adjustment provision was negotiated while we still had a profit sharing plan in place. The 4.3% raise in exchange for profit sharing was an after thought and not inclusive of the wage adjustment.
dvlhog212 said:
The 4.3%raise in lieu of profit sharing is already in our wage rate. Look at article 4 of the cba. It went into effect 12-09-13.
The issue is all the advocates selling the trade off claimed the 4.3% would last the duration of the contract. The twu QnA letters bragged about how the raise would compound any future raises we received and even Sharon Levine jumped on the promotional band wagon with a letter. What they all omitted was the fact that anyone getting the wage adjustment would only see a two year return on trading profit sharing for the 4.3 wage increase. 
scorpion 2 said:
The issue is all the advocates selling the trade off claimed the 4.3% would last the duration of the contract. The twu QnA letters bragged about how the raise would compound any future raises we received and even Sharon Levine jumped on the promotional band wagon with a letter. What they all omitted was the fact that anyone getting the wage adjustment would only see a two year return on trading profit sharing for the 4.3 wage increase.
What they actually meant was, because your pay increased 4.3%, any subsequent raises would then be more, because the starting point is higher, and that's true.
To me the profit sharing for a 4.3% raise was maybe the least of the TWUs bad moves.
Yes, it was done without a membership vote, because you know, they (the international ) are soooper smart and know what's better for us.
The worst thing is forming of the ass, again, done without a membership vote.
I'm waiting to see just how soooper smart the ass is, so far I got nothin.
CMH_GSE said:
What they actually meant was, because your pay increased 4.3%, any subsequent raises would then be more, because the starting point is higher, and that's true.
To me the profit sharing for a 4.3% raise was maybe the least of the TWUs bad moves.
Yes, it was done without a membership vote, because you know, they (the international ) are soooper smart and know what's better for us.
The worst thing is forming of the ass, again, done without a membership vote.
I'm waiting to see just how soooper smart the ass is, so far I got nothin.

Are you a LAA AMT? This thread is about our wage adjustment and how AMT's &
Title II TWU members got screwed out of our wage adjustment because the TWU
failed to understand the contract they negotiated. There are plenty of threads to
voice your grievance with the Association, I agree with your view BTW
scorpion 2 said:
The issue is all the advocates selling the trade off claimed the 4.3% would last the duration of the contract. The twu QnA letters bragged about how the raise would compound any future raises we received and even Sharon Levine jumped on the promotional band wagon with a letter. What they all omitted was the fact that anyone getting the wage adjustment would only see a two year return on trading profit sharing for the 4.3 wage increase. 
I would love to see that letter because the numbers don't add up.
To-date I have received form 2008 only $2210 form AIP.
Even getting $100 today in lieu of getting $500 in two years, Take the money today.    

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