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September 12, 2015 Raise or Average

what i have heard is the the average will be divided  by four.    UAL/AAL/Delta and US Air
If this is the case, then it will lower our average instead of dividing by 3
maybe someone should ask one of the all knowing all seeing impotent union reps... those local 591 guys know everything....
Peterson giving us an update on you tube...
Read the actual language. That's not what it says. Page 37 of the CBA shows an example of the calculation and AA is NOT included in the average. It shows UA+DL+US divided by 3.
As far as US being included. If the IAM and the TWU are good with that position then they are on the company's side. US doesn't exist. The brand is going away, the FAA awarded the new AA a single operating certificate, the NMB ruled that we are a single carrier (one AA) and approved the Association to represented the new AA as one, and the stock market considers us one airline. Why would our Union/Association take the company's side? If US is included then that would be a big fail on the part of the Association.
When dealing with the TWU, and the IAM; from an AMT's perspective, when a question like this arises, the best way to figure what we would end up with - is assume the worst possible scenario.  It's like that all the way through the contract book.  I mean seriously, all kidding aside, we like to kid around when talking about how bad we got shafted, but the sad truth is, never get your hopes up - when trying to find a positive in a TWU negotiated contract.
Vortilon said:
When dealing with the TWU, and the IAM; from an AMT's perspective, when a question like this arises, the best way to figure what we would end up with - is assume the worst possible scenario.  It's like that all the way through the contract book.  I mean seriously, all kidding aside, we like to kid around when talking about how bad we got shafted, but the sad truth is, never get your hopes up - when trying to find a positive in a TWU negotiated contract.
This is the best way to go, that way you'll never be disappointed. I just figure we won't get any raise, that way if I get one, its a bonus. One cannot count on this representative to represent us and enforce the piss poor agreement we have.
700UW said:
US is in the average per the TWU, AA and the IAM.
REALLY? Glad you informed us all. Now we can breath a sigh of relief.
DallasConehead said:
This is the best way to go, that way you'll never be disappointed. I just figure we won't get any raise, that way if I get one, its a bonus. One cannot count on this representative to represent us and enforce the piss poor agreement we have.
Sadly I have been telling the guys at work not to expect anything worth writing home about. Look at our 14% equity the union held. They sent out a letter pretty much saying we lost it all.
Whatever you get financially, you will lose benefits or work rules to compensate for it.
When you complain, overspeed will say: You Guys Voted For It!
How often have you heard that?
Whatever you get financially, you will lose benefits or work rules to compensate for it.
When you complain, overspeed will say: You Guys Voted For It!
How often have you heard that?
Apparently not enough. Until the twu sheep wake up and start to grow some we will continue in the same path.
Overspeed said:
Why would our Union/Association take the company's side? If US is included then that would be a big fail on the part of the Association.
Couple of things...
One great reason the Ass will take the company's side is, the Ass wouldn't even be here if the company would have disputed their representation application to the NMB.
That would have triggered an election, you know , so we all could have " voted for it"?!
I think we all agree, election = No Ass.

The first big fail for the Ass is the fact that there is one to begin with.
The way it was put together tells me their first priority is to themselves, not the membership.
Of course having US pay included is a big fail, our negotiators got played, again.

Now we are in negotiations in easily the very best of economic conditions, in anybody's lifetime currently working for the airline.
We should get everything back, in spades, and much more, with zero job losses.

Overspeed, do you expect THAT to happen?
I feel I have to hope and expect full restoration of our pay and benefits. I have to.
Now to your assessment of what happened, are you saying a deal was cut to get the Association in the form of not pursuing the match, rolling over on the wage adjustment, and dropping the ball on gain sharing? All those things combined are worth millions in the memberships' pockets. That's a pretty big allegation.
Overspeed said:
I feel I have to hope and expect full restoration of our pay and benefits. I have to.
Now to your assessment of what happened, are you saying a deal was cut to get the Association in the form of not pursuing the match, rolling over on the wage adjustment, and dropping the ball on gain sharing? All those things combined are worth millions in the memberships' pockets. That's a pretty big allegation.
You said all of that, I didn't.
And by the way, how much of any of those 3 items have gone the membership way to date?
No allegation, just taking stock of where we stand currently.
Do you see something I don't?

True or false:
If the company disputed the Association, there would have been an election.

The vigorous pursuit of the company match while the company racks up Billions in profits, is what, exactly....?

Gain Sharing:
point me in the direction of the Unions vigorous pursuit of this for the membership, I'll wait...

Yeah, probably, nothing to see here...

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