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Sept 11, 2001

First of all maybe you need to take your own advice and stop throwing attacks yourself.

The planes were sitting on the ground we were doing very little in distribution so no matter how the part was ordered, AOG, MBTT or FA, it would get to the plane in the same time frame.

Second, their was no time frame of getting the planes into the air.

And third the MCU postions are just glorified stock clerks, so I suggest if you live in a glass house don't throw stones. Oh wait I forgot you are just mad cause you are not longer management, yep, Steve and Dave would have taken real good care of you if you did not have a contract.

And if you knew me I am not a follower or management suckup like others(maybe you should look in the mirror), I have always been a leader and will continue to be.
LavMan said:
First of all maybe you need to take your own advice and stop throwing attacks yourself.

The planes were sitting on the ground we were doing very little in distribution so no matter how the part was ordered, AOG, MBTT or FA, it would get to the plane in the same time frame.

Second, their was no time frame of getting the planes into the air.

And third the MCU postions are just glorified stock clerks, so I suggest if you live in a glass house don't throw stones.

And if you knew me I am not a follower or management suckup like others(maybe you should look in the mirror), I have always been a leader and will continue to be.

You are a lacky and an easily and cheaply replaced one at that....and you think and act like one....and I use the word "Think" in a very loose manner. Without protection..you would in all liklihood be a cook at a greasy spoon.

You are speaking from a perspective that you have limited to no knowledge of...and you certainly did not see the big picture beyond the actual confines of the CLT ramp or stores area.

Basically you yourself are not worthy of a response...but it needs to be said , because your tainted views are just that...tainted and limited. Others are worthy of clarity.

U did a fine job getting ready to jump back in the saddle...and Yes Ops was getting conflicting info from the FAA on when the flying would be turned back on..and on an hourly basis I might add..So a state of readiness was exactly where we operated from. Sure Planes were not the issue or OPTION..but what you didn't see or profit from by making OT on roadtrips would boggle your mind. No big feat I might add.

Had we had people like you running things during the first 48 hours after the attacks ...We woud have awakened on wobbly legs...instead of just suffering from the extended closure of DCA and the LGA markets.

If you knew what it took to get things prepared...and organized behind the scenes...and if it didnt fit your slanted views...you would actually be proud of what was accomplished without your direct involvement.

Don't bother with a response...it won't be worth reading or replying to anyway....it will only be more mindless tunnel-visioned twaddle anyway.

Get out and do some leading...I think the problem just went south yesterday..according to you anyway.
AOG, you and everyone else in this company is replacible, like I said, your job is just above what a stock clerk does, so it is time to get off the high horse and stop think a material controller is the glue that holds the airline together, especially since Boeing, Airbus and many third party operations offering companies the same work that you currently do.

And you do not know me nor my education or skills, so I would stick to checking your rotable inventories and ordering parts when a mechanic calls you.

This is the last post in regards to this subject matter this is the time for the groups to come together, not apart and pointing fingers.

I found an article today I printed from the ABC News website last summer. It's dated 7/18/02. Firefighters and police officers weren't the only heroes that horrific morning. Ther very first American victims were an airline crew. Everyone seems to have forgotten that.

Calm before the Crash

On the morning of September 11, American Airlines ground manager Michael Woodard recieved a phone call that immediately got his full attention. "Listen, and listen to me very carefully. I'm on Flight 11. The airplane has been hijacked", said the voice on the other end. The caller was Amy Sweeney, a flight attendant on board American Airlines flight 11, which had just been hijacked on its way from Boston to Los Angeles.

Over the next 25 minutes, Sweeney, a 13-year veteran with the airline calmly relayed information to Woodward that would later be crucial in helping the FBI identify the men who hijacked the plane and flew it into the north tower of the World Trade Center.

Another flight attendant, Betty Ong, who had been with American Airlines for 14 years, also called collegues on the ground.

Flight 11 had taken off from Boston Logan Airport at 7:59 a.m., with a light load of 81 passengers. There were 11 crew on board: a captain, a first officer, and nine flight attendants.

A few minutes into the flight, five men got up from their seats and made their way to the cockpit, soon taking control of the plane.

Sweeney and Ong were in the coach section of the plane. Using crew telephones, they made calls to their colleagues on the ground, Sweeney to Woodward, a flight services manager at Logan Airport, and Ong to the airline's reservations line.

Woodward said Sweeney spoke "very, very calmly...in a way which was quick but calm." She gave him the seat numbers of four of the five hijackers, allowing airline staff to pull up their names, phone numbers, addresses--and even credit card numbers--on the reservations computer. One of the names that came up was Mohamed Atta, the man the FBI would later identfy as the leader of all 19 of the September 11 hijackers.

Sweeney told Woodward the hijackers seemed to be of Middle Eastern descent and said they had gone into the cockpit with a bomb with yellow wires attached.

She said they had stabbed the two first class flight attendants, Barbara Arestegui and Karen Martin, whose sation at the front of the plane likely made themthe first crew members to confront the hijackers. She said they had also slashed the throat of a business class passenger, who was bleeding severely.

The flight attendants gave the injured people oxygen, and made an announcement over the P.A. system asking if there was a doctor or nurse on board. Sweeney told Woodward the passengers in the coach section were calm and that they believed there was some sort of medical emergency in the front of the plane.

Ong's call came through to Vanessa Minter, an agent at the airline's reservation center in Raleigh, NC. Minter conferenced in Nydia Gonzales, whose responsibilities include dealing with security issues.

Ong told the two women the hijackers had sprayed something in the first class cabin to keep people out of the front of the plane. The two women could hear that the other flight attendants were going back and forth in the coach section to relay information to Ong. "There was total teamwork", said Gonzales. Ong said the hijackers had not make any demands.

The first four minutes on Ong's call were recorded, but he FBI has not released the tape to the public. Sweeney's phone call was not recorded, but Woodward took notes that would later become crucial the the FBI's investigation. Without Sweeney's calm reporting, the plane might have crashed with no one certain the man in charge was tied to al Qaeda.

About 15 minutes after the first woman called, the plane suddenly lurched, tilting all the way to one side, then becoming horizontal again. Ong said the plane was flying erratically, and Sweeney said it had begun a rapid descent.

They were now nearing New York and the World Trade Center, but on board the plane was quiet. "You didn't hear hysteria in the background. You didn't hear people screaming," said Minter.

Woodward asked Sweeney to look out the window and see if she could tell what was going on. "I see water. I see the buildings. I see buildings," she told him.

On the line to Raleigh, Ong said over and over again, "Pray for us. Pray for us" Gonzales and Minter assured her they were praying.

Sweeney told Woodward the plane was flying wery low. Then, he said, "She took a very slow, deep breath and then just said, 'Oh my God!' Very slowly, very calmly, very quietly. It wasn't panic".

Those were the last words Woodward heard. "Seconds later", he said, "there was a very loud static on the other end."

While Woodward was still holding the telephone, hoping Sweeney would come through, his operational manager came into the room and said that a plane had just crashed into the World Trade Center. Woodward did not make the connection immediately. "I almost at that point said, 'Not now, we have a serious situation here,'" he said. But moments later he realized that Sweeney's flight was the one that hit the WTC.

The ground staff who spoke to the two flight attendants were astonished by their professionalism and courage. Gonzalez and Minter said Ong showed no fear at all during the 25-minute conversation. Gonzales said "she was a totally selfless person".
Just a a note:

I'm in the diversified manufacturing business. I can tell you that supply side controllers and logistical folks are in fact the glue that holds any operational enterprise together, and good ones are worth their weight in gold. I suspect that this is why folks like AOG were nonunion at US until the IAM basically went against their wishes and grabbed the classification--you don't want union lackeys in those jobs, as "time in place" doing anything else does absolutely nothing to prepare you for the challanges of that job. And I can tell you that a good matierals/logistic guy/gal could jump from the airline business and get a job elsewhere. I'm curious as to where else one can find a job dumping lavs?

In my industry, our matieral and logistics folks almost killed themselves keeping the operation running immediately after 9/11. Imagine dumping a lav without a bucket or tank to catch the falling crap. That's what your folks had to deal with. Many probably did so having just lost family, colleagues, or friends. And after that, once things were back in the air, I'm sure cleaning up the logistical mess (since I'm sure that "peter was robbed to pay paul" proverbially to get everything back up and running) probably went on for days, if not weeks. How long did it takes to dump a few hundred lavs parked at CLT?

It is very, very clear which version of events as described in this thread is accurate.
First and Foremost, AOG and Clue could not be any more on target if they tried. The things that went on behind the scenes over the course of the 3 days the fleet was grounded were unbelievable. AOG is exactly right in the fact that had they put everything they had into recooping the airline. Had it not been for their hard work and diligence, we would have had planes grounded all over the system. Because of their professionalism and care for the customers and the airline we were able to recover with little or no problems associated with missed mtc checks or items. AOG was a part of the solution, not a part of the problem like some. AOG, you have my utmost respect and admiration for a job well done.

Back on topic..............


I thought I read in an article today about the state of MA coming up with an award named after F/A Sweeney for her efforts. What went on in those minutes before the crashes, none of us wil know. These people deserve to be remembered and praised for their ultimate sacrifice and constant professionalism. I honestly believe that the sense of calm and lack of panic are a direct result of the crew and their professionalism. Everyone should take a moment to reflect on the past two years and say a little prayer of thanks that we are here today. May those that perished on those airplanes, in NYC and DCA rest in peace.
MarkMyWords said:
May those that perished on those airplanes, in NYC and DCA rest in peace.
as well as in those that perished on UA Flt. 93 in the field in Somerset, Pennsylvania.

Peace to all
Thank you, CLTBWIDAYSYR, for the perfect post.

Television focused on what the President did, and what the mayor said. Fair enough. Amy Sweeny altered history. Rather than panic, her professionalism led law enforcement to al Qaeda.

She is a symbol of my private history, as well as yours. This country is filled with quiet 'ordinary' men and women, who, when called upon as Green Berets, chief petty officers, cops and firemen, made this nation's history. Or as widowed mothers or single dads, keep the job AND the family going. Who among us does not count folks like these as family or friends?

The high and the mighty get the glory. The Amy Sweeneys get the job done. She is why America will prevail.

And closing on a lovely irony; given how the Taliban treats women, I find perfect karma in Ms Sweeny loosing the dogs of war upon al Qaeda.
God rest all the souls who were murdered on that day. Murdered. Not "perished", or"tragically taken". Murdered. By evil men who were middle eastern and muslim. Led by a man who is middle eastern and muslim. Who have designs on murdering more Americans.

AirlineOrphan said:
"Rather than lashing out at millions of human beings (not roaches) who live in the Middle East (99.9999% of whom have nothing to do with al-qaeda), now is the time for us to take a long hard look at the kind of foreign policy that led the U.S. to spend billions training the bin Laden and other terrorists we called freedom fighters in Afghanistan in the 80's. Time to take a look at the policy that led us to crush democratic movements in the Middle East repeatedly over the last 5 years, leaving a political vacuum for thugs to fill."

This is nonsense. Eplain and blame America for what the murderers did. America did nothing to deserve this. 99.9999% of the people living in the Middle East are muslims. Read the Koran and then tell me our foreign policy was the reason for the murders on 9/11. What our foreign policy is based on is what is best for AMERICA. That is why we are the greatest nation on the earth. To intimate we are deserving of this because of our foreign policy is typical liberal drivel. We were attacked because that is what the islamic religion urges their followers to do. And what is tragic is that no one in our government has the cajones to say so. Just how many hudreds of billions of dollars have we given to foreign countries less fortunate than our airlineorphan? We have every right to make foreign policy that is in our best interest. Not the world's best interest. America's. Period.

They are after us. And, make no mistake, this is a war between us and them. We will win. The murdered innocents of 9/11 will be avenged. And they should be avenged. This is about good vs. evil. Not one religion vs. another. If any out there can't understand the difference between good and evil please replay the videos of the jets hitting the buildings. America doesn't do that. Good doesn't do that. Satan does that. Evil does that. Islam does that. And if that offends anyone that is Islamic, so be it. And Mr. Moderator, let this post stand. Sometimes the truth is harsh. But so were the murders of 3000 innocent people.

America will prevail. Don't let the terrorist change you lives. We are the greatest country in the history of mankind. And they will not change it. Ever.

Markmywords et. al,

Every one at U was part of the solution. We all did our part to get our airline back up and running. Folks got back on those planes defenseless, in light of huge uncertainty, and no substantial security put in place.

I don't understand how we use even this thread to bash one another. Take it to another thread.

You are so off base it is not even funny. You could not handle one shift in that department, much less do anything day to day. MCU not only generates revenue for this airline, but consistently saves flights and money by doing work behind the scenes you would never comprehend the ability to handle. Dealing with attitudes like yours is just the tip of the iceberg.
Thank You Todd, and PitBull!

I'm tired of reading all this bickering at each other.

Now where we? Oh yes, mrplanes, I do believe Al-Queda will hit again, since they are giving soo many warnings....
Be Alert, and the plus to this is they stick out and are noticable...

This was the prophecy of Nostradamus in one of his quatrains, 'the twin brother's will burn like a ball of fire.' And come down in a big city'

Who would have thunk it?

I'm still having difficulty that an 'animal'and I'm being (not polite),can have that much HATRED IN HIS HEART <well HE HAS NONE>>

Martydom, Paradise, go to heaven and have 27 Virgins waiting for you!

How stupid and brainwashed,,,,enough of my soap box..

It's the weekend!!! :up:

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