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Sara Palin ...part-2

Libtards are only chauvinistic when the person representing the "Other" parties,is a female!
Kinda like African Americans not believing their counterparts, who represent the GOP, are not truly African Americans!
What do you call it when a man criticizes a woman based on her physical appearance and not her ability? I call it chauvinistic and sexist.
Kinda like African Americans not believing their counterparts, who represent the GOP, are not truly African Americans!
I don't believe you are White, or male
Ms Tree said:
I think its a give that Ryan and Perry are non-starters. Paul has too many kooky ideas like his father so that kills 3 right there. 
kooky ideas like individual freedom, and the use of drones on american citizens
those are just too kooky 
Dog Wonder said:
I don't believe you are White, or male
And the majority of us, on these boards, don't care what you believe..... period
Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be ‘constitutional’ does not make it so. The whole thing remains unconstitutional. While the court may have erroneously come to the conclusion that the law is allowable, it certainly does nothing to make this mandate or government takeover of our health care right.
Medicare is socialized medicine! People are afraid of that because they’ll say “ohhh, you’re against Medicare.” No, I’ll say “We have to do something different. We can’t just eliminate Medicare, but we have to get more to a market-based system.”
It’s counter-intuitive to a lot of people, but you have to pay for things if you want prices to come down. So you really need higher deductibles. And the real answer to Medicare would be a $2,000 deductible, but try selling that one in an election.
With regard to the idea of whether you have a right to health care, you have realize what that implies. It’s not an abstraction. I’m a physician. That means you have a right to come to my house and conscript me. It means you believe in slavery. It means that you’re going to enslave not only me, but the janitor at my hospital, the person who cleans my office, the assistants who work in my office, the nurses.
I’m a physician in your community and you say you have a right to health care. You have a right to beat down my door with the police, escort me away and force me to take care of you? That’s ultimately what the right to free health care would be.
"I saw the YouTube of [former Mexican president] Vincente Fox talking about [the single North American currency] the Amero. So, it's not a secret. Now it may not be [here] tomorrow, but it took 'em 20 or 30 years to get the Euro, and they had to push people kicking and screaming.... But I guarantee you it's one of their long term goals to have one sort of borderless, mass continent."
"Our national security is not threatened by Iran having one nuclear weapon." 
Ms Tree said:
Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be ‘constitutional’ does not make it so. The whole thing remains unconstitutional. While the court may have erroneously come to the conclusion that the law is allowable, it certainly does nothing to make this mandate or government takeover of our health care right.
how many supreme courts said jim crow laws were constitutional 
where they right?  or was later interpretations right?
when the people were saying omg the supreme court is so wrong, and continued to file case after case, would you say they were kooks?
Medicare is socialized medicine! People are afraid of that because they’ll say “ohhh, you’re against Medicare.” No, I’ll say “We have to do something different. We can’t just eliminate Medicare, but we have to get more to a market-based system.”
It’s counter-intuitive to a lot of people, but you have to pay for things if you want prices to come down. So you really need higher deductibles. And the real answer to Medicare would be a $2,000 deductible, but try selling that one in an election.
With regard to the idea of whether you have a right to health care, you have realize what that implies. It’s not an abstraction. I’m a physician. That means you have a right to come to my house and conscript me. It means you believe in slavery. It means that you’re going to enslave not only me, but the janitor at my hospital, the person who cleans my office, the assistants who work in my office, the nurses.
medicare is socialized medicine are you saying its not?
I’m a physician in your community and you say you have a right to health care. You have a right to beat down my door with the police, escort me away and force me to take care of you? That’s ultimately what the right to free health care would be.
im not sure what your point on this one is, its a hypothetical and plenty of other doctors have said this, are they wrong and kooky?  
"I saw the YouTube of [former Mexican president] Vincente Fox talking about [the single North American currency] the Amero. So, it's not a secret. Now it may not be [here] tomorrow, but it took 'em 20 or 30 years to get the Euro, and they had to push people kicking and screaming.... But I guarantee you it's one of their long term goals to have one sort of borderless, mass continent."
KING: E-mail from Mrs. Gonzalez in Elizabeth, New Jersey. "Mr. Fox, I would like to know how you feel about the possibility of having a Latin America united with one currency?" 

FOX: Long term, very long term. What we propose together, President Bush and myself, it's ALCA, which is a trade union for all of the Americas. And everything was running fluently until Hugo Chavez came. He decided to isolate himself. He decided to combat the idea and destroy the idea... 

KING: It's going to be like the euro dollar, you mean? 

FOX: Well, that would be long, long term. I think the processes to go, first step into is trading agreement. And then further on, a new vision, like we are trying to do with NAFTA. 
(a little bit of research is a dangerous thing i know)
"Our national security is not threatened by Iran having one nuclear weapon." 
Its not,
anything else you got for us?
But it is the law.
Out of that whole thing, socialism is what you latched on to?  Lol.
Can you point to a single example of this taking place here or anywhere else that has universal health care?  I  have the right to bear arms, are gun sellers being dragged out of their house to sell someone a gun?  Yes it's kookie and wrong.
Never said that someone did not talk about it.  Reagan talked about SDI.  That did not work either.  Pretty sure this will fly as well as the Spruce Goose.
Not many will agree with you on that.  
Ms Tree said:
But it is the law.
so was jim crow your answer is not an answer its an excuse...
Out of that whole thing, socialism is what you latched on to?  Lol.
did i say socialism?  i believe i said socialized medicine... which was his point... was there some other point you gleaned from that id be interested in what you thought was kooky then...
Can you point to a single example of this taking place here or anywhere else that has universal health care?  I  have the right to bear arms, are gun sellers being dragged out of their house to sell someone a gun?  Yes it's kookie and wrong.
your hypothetical up there would only be valid if the us government required everyone to buy a gun it doesnt so it isnt.. nice try though 
Never said that someone did not talk about it.  Reagan talked about SDI.  That did not work either.  Pretty sure this will fly as well as the Spruce Goose.
what was the reasoning of you posting that in the first place? im pretty sure you didnt think that fox said that and didnt bother to look up and see whether or not he did or not... you only looked up whether paul said that or not...   and now decided to throw reagan in the mix...   and the spruce goose flew just fine 
Not many will agree with you on that.  
ok and your point?  they said the same thing about the USSR getting the bomb, and North Korea and PAkistan.... china... even france....  they all were wrong...  
Point is what the SCOTUS say is law.
Again, out of the whole thing, socialized med is what you latch on to.  
Can you point to an example of a Dr being forced to provide a service?
Actually I have heard others mention it.  Spruce 'flew' for a few hundred feet, landed and never flew again.  The idea is still a pipe dream at best just like SDI.  
Iran and NK are the same as France, Pakistan and China?  If NK can develop or steal a delivery system that is a legitimate concern.
Ms Tree said:
What do you call it when a man criticizes a woman based on her physical appearance and not her ability? I call it chauvinistic and sexist.
Sounds like Tree post.
Ms Tree said:
Point is what the SCOTUS say is law.
Again, out of the whole thing, socialized med is what you latch on to.  
Can you point to an example of a Dr being forced to provide a service?
Actually I have heard others mention it.  Spruce 'flew' for a few hundred feet, landed and never flew again.  The idea is still a pipe dream at best just like SDI.  
Iran and NK are the same as France, Pakistan and China?  If NK can develop or steal a delivery system that is a legitimate concern.
southwind said:
And the majority of us, on these boards, don't care what you believe..... period
You don't fit the White Guy stereotype, with your being afraid of women and your moaning about being a victim of racism.
Dog Wonder said:
You don't fit the White Guy stereotype, with your being afraid of women and your moaning about being a victim of racism.
Only afraid of Libtard Women, and as far as white racism? Right..........it never happens, does it?
Why were Ricci and the other top scorers denied the chance to promote simply because their black and Hispanic colleagues failed to do well on the test? The city of New Haven cites Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits employers from using tests that have a “disparate impact,” or disproportionately exclude applicants of certain races. If a test does have such an effect, the employer must show that the assessment directly relates to job performance.

The Supreme Court's Ruling
What did the court decide? In a 5-4 ruling, it rejected New Haven’s reasoning, arguing that, “Fear of litigation alone cannot justify an employer’s reliance on race to the detriment of individuals who passed the examinations and qualified for promotions.”

Report: Black ‘Mobs’ Attack White Patrons Outside Wis. State Fair!
WTMJ sums up their accounts: “Witnesses’ accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night.”
Never saw this plastered all over the news for weeks! And where was Jackson and Sharpton?