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same old twu....

heard that pos is going back to JFK rumor has it his port authority badge should be in soon. A fine example of karma. talk about someone with no friends what a round world it is ...
Step one, get rid of Videtich. Let him go to management where he belongs. Step 2 get rid of Oryiano, all he does is help the company reduce headcount and collect 10 extra hours a week from the company for doing so.
And then...? Once they are gone.
And this is what you comprehended from Bob's post?? Really?? Why didn't you address the entire post?? Keep posting...
I got that he is not happy with what happened. He's really good at poking holes in everything but I want to know what is he going to do make the TWU better. If attacking salaries, UBB, and the restructure is all he has then...? Well, that's not a solution. Take all those things away. UBB back and five locals now what? I understood his issue as being the ATD had too much control. So how will that be addressed? Get rid of a bunch of people what about the people who replace them? Will they be just as bad in his opinion?
Make the twu better? Lets ses now that the ibt threat is gone no more pesky visits at the house asking me what they can improve on. In fact every thing is fine I look forward to the december union meeting so we know what's going on.
October 3, 2013
TO: All ATD Presidents
RE: ATD Staffing Changes
Dear Brothers:
This letter is to inform you of recent changes to the ATD staff. Brother Bobby Gless will no longer be on staff effective September 27, 2013 and Brother Tim Gillespie will no longer be on staff effective October 4, 2013. I would like to take this time to thank them for their years of service on behalf of the members of TWU.
I would also like to welcome David Virella and Sean Doyle as additions to the ATD staff and look forward to working with them.
I appreciate your patience and understanding as we move forward.
Garry Drummond
Director Air Transport Division

GD:kla opeiu 153
D. Moses
ATD Staff

I don't see Sean Doyle as much of an upgrade, just sayin.
Make the twu better? Lets ses now that the ibt threat is gone no more pesky visits at the house asking me what they can improve on. In fact every thing is fine I look forward to the december union meeting so we know what's going on.

Watch what the TWU/IBT do when we start signing AMFA cards again. There will be damage control from the IBT on why they bailed out the first time. Can not wait for another explanation or lies. In the meantime we need to keep on pushing the TWU in a uncomfortable corner until we can rid ourselves of this trash union.

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