October 3, 2013
TO: All ATD Presidents
RE: ATD Staffing Changes
Dear Brothers:
This letter is to inform you of recent changes to the ATD staff. Brother Bobby Gless will no longer be on staff effective September 27, 2013 and Brother Tim Gillespie will no longer be on staff effective October 4, 2013. I would like to take this time to thank them for their years of service on behalf of the members of TWU.
I would also like to welcome David Virella and Sean Doyle as additions to the ATD staff and look forward to working with them.
I appreciate your patience and understanding as we move forward.
Garry Drummond
Director Air Transport Division
GD:kla opeiu 153
D. Moses
ATD Staff
I don't see Sean Doyle as much of an upgrade, just sayin.