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S7 flyers


Sep 17, 2006
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Any GA's having verbal issues with companion pass riders?

And Im not talking of new hires-although they run a CLOSE RACE!

S7's are Pi$$ed off when they cannot get a seat!

Attention All those that HAND OUT PASSES.
1) If your traveller DOES NOT understand the Rule if there is a seat You Go-If Not You DON'T
2) Plain and simple.
3) EXPLAIN HOW the SYSTEM works.
4) Myself and my collegues WRITE UP A Behavior report and IMMEDIATELY forward it to the pass bureau to have PASSES SUSPENDED>
5) I take verbal abuse daily from passengers, Im not dealing with it from Non Rev's.
6) Wake up,maybe when your pass's are pulled,you will take the time to let everyone know, so I dont HAVE to sit down like a chid and explain everything to them.they have an attitude and want our name and call us RUDE!
7) if you want my name, Ill gladly give it,I also tell them Im writing up a report and sending to the pass bureau so your friend/family member WILL HAVE THEIR PASSES Pulled.
8) Now what were you asking?
Any GA's having verbal issues with companion pass riders?

And Im not talking of new hires-although they run a CLOSE RACE!

S7's are Pi$$ed off when they cannot get a seat!

Attention All those that HAND OUT PASSES.
1) If your traveller DOES NOT understand the Rule if there is a seat You Go-If Not You DON'T
2) Plain and simple.
3) EXPLAIN HOW the SYSTEM works.
4) Myself and my collegues WRITE UP A Behavior report and IMMEDIATELY forward it to the pass bureau to have PASSES SUSPENDED>
5) I take verbal abuse daily from passengers, Im not dealing with it from Non Rev's.
6) Wake up,maybe when your pass's are pulled,you will take the time to let everyone know, so I dont HAVE to sit down like a chid and explain everything to them.they have an attitude and want our name and call us RUDE!
7) if you want my name, Ill gladly give it,I also tell them Im writing up a report and sending to the pass bureau so your friend/family member WILL HAVE THEIR PASSES Pulled.
8) Now what were you asking?
Wow! I'm sure glad most GA's are not like you! You need to change jobs! Major red flag for me... your icon! Pretty much sums up your attitude! Why torture yourself anymore? Why torture us? Go find your bliss! Or is you bliss bossing people around? I'd be willing to bet it is. I've worked gates for many years and felt sorry for the pass travelers, not pissed off. I'd be willing to bet that your posture is the last straw for them. Lighten up Gate Hitler!
Wow! I'm sure glad most GA's are not like you! You need to change jobs! Major red flag for me... your icon! Pretty much sums up your attitude! Why torture yourself anymore? Why torture us? Go find your bliss! Or is you bliss bossing people around? I'd be willing to bet it is. I've worked gates for many years and felt sorry for the pass travelers, not pissed off. I'd be willing to bet that your posture is the last straw for them. Lighten up Gate Hitler!

You are so out of line with that last comment.

Wench is actually doing what Wench is supposed to do. Any employee extending any pass privilges to anyone is responsible for their actions. So if Wench gets more then a polite expression of disappointment from a person flying on pass privileges, then Wench is fully justified in noting that an incident occurred with a person attempting to utilize Employee X's privileges.

Don't tell Wench to quit. Just be careful who you extend privileges to and make sure they understand that they are not holding a fully confirmed seat and that if something happens and they can't fly to not make derogatory comments to the GA.
I have a very simple rule for persons asking me for buddy passes....I usually send them either over to LUV to buy a ticket or shop online, usually pretty close to the same price and you have a seat!!!

Wrench1....you have to chill a bit 😛 😛
hp fa ,
thank you so much for your support!

The rest say chill? Your're kidding right?

Let's switch positions then.
They come on with an attitude not only with me, but other's too.
They get nasty and snotty with us, they DEMAND they get on the a/c.

Boss man says, you don't have to tolerate it-and guess what?
We dont.

Just dont let us overhear what you are saying-so def YOU will NOT board!

Happy Trails to you!

We do lighten up-we come fighting from our corner's when buddy pass riders try to play passenger,full paying.
Next question? :up:
I would be interested to know what the hire date of the employee is that gave buddy passes. From what I have heard, there is a new breed of employee that has been hired in the last 20 months or so.
We were always schooled from the beginning as to what our behavior had to be when traveling..and then when we were given the privilege of buddy passes, we know that it would come back on us. Any employee giving a buddy pass or pass for family member, should know that the travelers' actions/attitude/etc while using the pass, will come back on the employee....You can be reported by anyone...the gate agent, flight crew,etc..It's one of the costs of using your passes. Act right and play by the rules..school those who use your passes as to how to play by the rule and you have no problem. If their actions cause and employee to take the time to write it up, your passes should be suspended. We are paid to serve the needs of the traveling public and it takes a lot for a pass rider/buddy pass rider to get to the point of being reported...
I thought Wrench's post makes total sense...I've been bumped many times...I just wait until the GA is done doing their job and see whats available, and if I make a flight I always and I mean always thank the entire flt crew for the ride....
To the last 2 posters,
Seniority, during Christmas time, a pilots (express) sis and her bf did not have seats. I heard her mumble under her breath and I approached her of what she said- I also advised her that her person could lose their pass privelges.
Yes this hire date was 1 yr!

Most recent, I didnt deal but my friend did, was 67 seniority-Lets face facts, the new breed of non rever's no employee woudl dare open their mouths, it's the COMPANIONS.
Its not the employees but every now and then it's the S7's that hrang us.
If the flights are full enough that buddy pass riders arent getting on, then its probably fair to say the agent has many other needs to attend to other than trying to explain to said buddy pass rider how the system works. That is not the agents job and its not fair to the agent to expect them to take care of your buddy pass riders other than assisting with next flight info. When buddy pass riders start giving attitude for whatever reason, I advise them they need to contact whoever gave them their buddy pass for more help.
When I was working the gate, I used to always try to explain they didnt get on and advise next flight, etc. Sometimes they got it and sometimes they didnt. Had a pilots brother in law insist they would get on the flight and would not be bumped. Advised him he needed to chill or his bil could get his pass priviledges suspended. He said "go ahead and suspend them I dont care, I will get on this plane". Needless to say this was relayed to said bil so he could know not to give this jerk any more of his passes.
I personally have people asking for them all the time, but after an incident many years ago (with someone who KNEW how to use them), I dont give them out unless I'm traveling or know the person very well.
You are so out of line with that last comment.

Wench is actually doing what Wench is supposed to do. Any employee extending any pass privilges to anyone is responsible for their actions. So if Wench gets more then a polite expression of disappointment from a person flying on pass privileges, then Wench is fully justified in noting that an incident occurred with a person attempting to utilize Employee X's privileges.

Don't tell Wench to quit. Just be careful who you extend privileges to and make sure they understand that they are not holding a fully confirmed seat and that if something happens and they can't fly to not make derogatory comments to the GA.
You're right in the fact that our pass people should know the rules, BUT my God does she have to have that attitude?? My kids have been flying for 20 years and are always polite. Sure every once in awhile they ask the gate agent if they have any idea how they can get somewhere. So what. Be polite and friendly and maybe YOU won't get the attitude either.
You're right in the fact that our pass people should know the rules, BUT my God does she have to have that attitude?? My kids have been flying for 20 years and are always polite. Sure every once in awhile they ask the gate agent if they have any idea how they can get somewhere. So what. Be polite and friendly and maybe YOU won't get the attitude either.

I believe her "attitude" isn't directed at people such as your kids. It is likely to be more like folks who insist that they will be on the flight or else (implying the agent's job will be on the line (NOT)), or the folks who refuse to leave the podium after being told no and to please move along and they won't (thinking that will change the GA's position on the matter.

A polite expression of unhappiness is not out of line, nor is a question about potential alternatives. Wench is, IMO, describing something else.
Any GA's having verbal issues with companion pass riders?

And Im not talking of new hires-although they run a CLOSE RACE!

S7's are Pi$$ed off when they cannot get a seat!

Attention All those that HAND OUT PASSES.
1) If your traveller DOES NOT understand the Rule if there is a seat You Go-If Not You DON'T
2) Plain and simple.
3) EXPLAIN HOW the SYSTEM works.
4) Myself and my collegues WRITE UP A Behavior report and IMMEDIATELY forward it to the pass bureau to have PASSES SUSPENDED>
5) I take verbal abuse daily from passengers, Im not dealing with it from Non Rev's.
6) Wake up,maybe when your pass's are pulled,you will take the time to let everyone know, so I dont HAVE to sit down like a chid and explain everything to them.they have an attitude and want our name and call us RUDE!
7) if you want my name, Ill gladly give it,I also tell them Im writing up a report and sending to the pass bureau so your friend/family member WILL HAVE THEIR PASSES Pulled.
8) Now what were you asking?
The words "bitter" and "nark" come to mind. Med check, lady. Do you spend alot of your time writing people up on a daily basis? Seems like it gives you a certain feeling of "power" that you don't have with the revenue pax...🙄 If the S7's freak out, tell them to go away or you will call the police. Simple. Do you really have the time to write up reports and suspend passes? Yikes... Go get some fresh air....

And I am soooo sure that after working a flight, this wench person is all too happy to help the bumped non revs find alternative plans. Riiiiiight...<<flips up the "position closed" sign>>.... :lol:

Your agent job is not worth a heart attack. Your capitalized phrases in the above post scream "stressed......"
Any GA's having verbal issues with companion pass riders?

And Im not talking of new hires-although they run a CLOSE RACE!

S7's are Pi$$ed off when they cannot get a seat!

Attention All those that HAND OUT PASSES.
1) If your traveller DOES NOT understand the Rule if there is a seat You Go-If Not You DON'T
2) Plain and simple.
3) EXPLAIN HOW the SYSTEM works.
4) Myself and my collegues WRITE UP A Behavior report and IMMEDIATELY forward it to the pass bureau to have PASSES SUSPENDED>
5) I take verbal abuse daily from passengers, Im not dealing with it from Non Rev's.
6) Wake up,maybe when your pass's are pulled,you will take the time to let everyone know, so I dont HAVE to sit down like a chid and explain everything to them.they have an attitude and want our name and call us RUDE!
7) if you want my name, Ill gladly give it,I also tell them Im writing up a report and sending to the pass bureau so your friend/family member WILL HAVE THEIR PASSES Pulled.
8) Now what were you asking?

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