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S - T - R - I - K - E ! ! ! This word speaks Volumes !

Pay attention. This thread is about the teachers strike in Chicago, not GM and china.

You continue to prove to all that you should rename yourself Osmium.

Please refer to post #9.....................Now awaiting your apology !
Pay attention. This thread is about the teachers strike in Chicago, not GM and china.

You continue to prove to all that you should rename yourself Osmium.

I think Marie Osmium is hot. A little too country though. hehe
let's see if I have this correct.
you're paid pretty much the highest rate in the state
you work the shortest hours.
you get some of the poorest results while being responsible for educating our kids
but yet you strike because you balk at changes in work schedule and being evaluated on your job performance.

I think they need a reality check
Were you overpaid?

Nope. Starting pay was a whopping $25K. But I didn't teach in Chicago -- my district was a blue collar suburban community where the teachers' union was a little more grounded in reality. We didn't have a huge tax base, and the school board couldn't engage in deficit spending.

Maybe he was let go because his students were all failing to learn?

Nope. Our test scores were just fine, thanks. I just found out that working as a ticket agent paid more and had better benefits. I also didn't have to deal with the union b.s. being an agent.
When did they ever START Working. Kids in ORD public schools can't read or do math at level. Time for pay for performance in my mind.

As a yellow-dog Democrat, I don't believe I am saying this, but I agree to a point. I remember watching on CNN a reporter on the picket line during the last Chicago teachers' strike 25 years ago. He was interviewing some teachers on the picket line about the strike issues. The reporter concluded by asking the teachers what subjects they taught. One teacher responded (and I am not making this up), "I teaches English."

That level of incompetence must be dealt with. Job security for an English teacher who can't speak English is wrong, and the unions should not support them. It's like the union spending all their money defending flight attendants who are caught drinking , or taking drugs, or sleeping on the job.

That being said, my mother taught school for 38 years. My sister taught for 25 years. The teacher can not do it alone. If the parents are not requiring that the child not only attend school but participate and make an effort to learn, no teacher, no matter how good, can teach them anything.

I highly recommend the new book, I Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had, by Tony Danza (yes, the actor). He taught school for a year (I think in his native Philly). His experience will tell you that the teacher can not do it alone.
Not sure that's a slogan I'd roll out, Bears.

Unions are largely corrupt, apple pie is fattening according to St. Michelle of Obama, and Chevrolet went bankrupt...

I'm sure all the asshats congratulating the union on striking aren't really thinking about the impact on all the folks living paycheck to paycheck who are the ones who really get screwed, by having to pay for childcare *or* take time off of work without pay.

I find it quite ironic that on a day when we remember hostages and innocents being slaughtered at the hands of terrorists, we get to witness another form of domestic hostage taking.

That's quite amusing.
Although I don't agree with the teachers strike, I also do not agree with only unions being corrupt.
Our gooberment and elected officials continue to push for pay increases, even though they dip in the honeypot of lobbyists.
So, everyone else is to blame as COE's/Executives see phenomenal increases in income, High Level Gooberment officials sucking up lobbyist money still extract their pay and benefit increases then #### about the little guy trying to squeeze a living.
Let's have some leadership! How about our elected officials voting out their health care (in most cases - Lifetime Healthcare) retirement and benefits.
Maybe if we had some shared sacrifice, people would 'join in'.
I haven't seen it, have you?
If the 'elite' doesn't care, why should I?
What is Romney afraid of releasing his tax returns?
Off shore accounts? That would be quite hypocritical now wouldn't it?
B) xUT
Nope. Starting pay was a whopping $25K. But I didn't teach in Chicago -- my district was a blue collar suburban community where the teachers' union was a little more grounded in reality. We didn't have a huge tax base, and the school board couldn't engage in deficit spending.

Nope. Our test scores were just fine, thanks. I just found out that working as a ticket agent paid more and had better benefits. I also didn't have to deal with the union b.s. being an agent.

So despite what some people are saying you did not have a totally awesome pay and benfits package?
Public employees should never be allowed to strike.

Most aren't, but the teachers are too powerful and can pretty much hold your kids hostage. The teachers union is unlike any other in that they will get what they demand even if it breaks the bank on the rest of unionized labor. People should realize thatthe days of union solidarity is over!
Hey Bear! Just how many times did you "ACTUALLY" go on strike ?

Not talk about it, not threaten to do it, but physically walked a picket line in support of "YOUR" job ?
Hey Bear! Just how many times did you "ACTUALLY" go on strike ?

Not talk about it, not threaten to do it, but physically walked a picket line in support of "YOUR" job ?

Well lets see if this counts.
At the ripe ol' age of 19, while working in a knitting/textile mill in Mass.,(and as a proud member of the ILGWU/International ladies garment workers union) I disagreed with a manager, WHO fired me on the spot.
I called the Union president, and within a half hour HUNDREDS of textile machines came to a screaching HALT, with a few Hundred of my co-workers standing by thier IDLE machines.
Two hours later, the owners OVERULED the manager, and 'yours truely' and my co-workers were back to work, with ALL Forgiven !
They SHIIT-Canned her(the manager) some weeks later !

A Person can NEVER Forget that kind of collective strength.

How do You like me NOW....southwindBAG ? : )
Well lets see if this counts.
At the ripe ol' age of 19, while working in a knitting/textile mill in Mass.,(and as a proud member of the ILGWU/International ladies garment workers union) I disagreed with a manager, WHO fired me on the spot.
I called the Union president, and within a half hour HUNDREDS of textile machines came to a screaching HALT, with a few Hundred of my co-workers standing by thier IDLE machines.
Two hours later, the owners OVERULED the manager, and 'yours truely' and my co-workers were back to work, with ALL Forgiven !
They SHIIT-Canned her(the manager) some weeks later !

A Person can NEVER Forget that kind of collective strength.

How do You like me NOW....southwindBAG ? : )

HEY southwindBAG.
NO retort to the answer I gave to YOUR question ?
HEL, I thought is was a classic !
(and TRUE with a capital 'T' )
Well lets see if this counts.
At the ripe ol' age of 19, while working in a knitting/textile mill in Mass.,(and as a proud member of the ILGWU/International ladies garment workers union) I disagreed with a manager, WHO fired me on the spot.
I called the Union president, and within a half hour HUNDREDS of textile machines came to a screaching HALT, with a few Hundred of my co-workers standing by thier IDLE machines.
Two hours later, the owners OVERULED the manager, and 'yours truely' and my co-workers were back to work, with ALL Forgiven !
They SHIIT-Canned her(the manager) some weeks later !

A Person can NEVER Forget that kind of collective strength.

How do You like me NOW....southwindBAG ? : )

So..... Since you were fired, technically you weren't on strike.... Others were on a wildcat, and it appears nobody punched out and was unpaid.

When did YOU go on strike to support others, and go without a paycheck in the process?

Being a member of the TWU, probably never...

And how many of those ILGWU jobs are still there?... Is the mill even still standing?

My guess is won the battle but still lost the war....

So despite what some people are saying you did not have a totally awesome pay and benfits package?

In the district I was in that's a true statement. But maybe you're not reading close enough. I didn't work in Chicago or belong to CTU.

Chicago's pay and benefits were far higher than what we had in the suburbs. The suburbs paid what they could afford. It was the case then, and still the case now.