S C O T U S, Justice Ruth Ginsberg, passes away.

As a matter of fact, the last time there was a Presidential election decided by a 4-4 court, it was the Republican candidate, George Bush (the younger) who was elected by a 4-3 vote (one abstention, IIRC). Gore conceded the election rather than throw the court and Congress into a dither. It can happen that way when people act like adults.
Yes, it can!....... But with the level of hate and discontent today, would you bet on it? Not many people would!
Democrats have already been through so much, the little darlings will have a HARD TIME with the next SCOTUS pick
I would say the people who were counting on Hillary winning. and that includes everyone who donated to the Clinton Foundation hoping to gain access.
Close. But actually it's Trump. 44 presidents before him saw that the world is not a simple place. There are many shades of gray. But Trump doesn't understand that. Here is what Trump knows

Light - Dark
Rich - Poor
Winner - Loser
Good - Bad (although he has a knack for picking bad 90% or the time)
High - Low

So when faced with something that is an actual issue (race relations and police), instead of trying to bring people together to discuss the issue, he inflames the issue by taking sides. That's not what a leader does. It's actually the actions of a follower. Because today, BLM are thugs....but if he could boost his "ratings" by siding with BLM....he'd do it in a heartbeat.
Close. But actually it's Trump. 44 presidents before him saw that the world is not a simple place. There are many shades of gray. But Trump doesn't understand that. Here is what Trump knows

Light - Dark
Rich - Poor
Winner - Loser
Good - Bad (although he has a knack for picking bad 90% or the time)
High - Low

So when faced with something that is an actual issue (race relations and police), instead of trying to bring people together to discuss the issue, he inflames the issue by taking sides. That's not what a leader does. It's actually the actions of a follower. Because today, BLM are thugs....but if he could boost his "ratings" by siding with BLM....he'd do it in a heartbeat.
They ARE thugs.
I would say the people who were counting on Hillary winning. and that includes everyone who donated to the Clinton Foundation hoping to gain access.
Winner winner, chicken dinner.

The riots started when Hillary didn't win, and those who expected another eight years of living on the government teat (be it welfare or consulting contracts) have done everything to prevent Trump from being successful.

Thats not conspiracy, its something the 'establishment' seem to be quite proud of, be it Democrats or NeverTrumpers. They wanted to impeach before inauguration.

Imagine what could have been accomplished without all the #Resist bullshit.... if that impeachment toxicity hadn't been present when Corona hit.
Close. But actually it's Trump. 44 presidents before him saw that the world is not a simple place. There are many shades of gray. But Trump doesn't understand that. Here is what Trump knows

Light - Dark
Rich - Poor
Winner - Loser
Good - Bad (although he has a knack for picking bad 90% or the time)
High - Low

So when faced with something that is an actual issue (race relations and police), instead of trying to bring people together to discuss the issue, he inflames the issue by taking sides. That's not what a leader does. It's actually the actions of a follower. Because today, BLM are thugs....but if he could boost his "ratings" by siding with BLM....he'd do it in a heartbeat.
I respectfully disagree.
I respectfully disagree.
Then why hasn't Trump even tried to sit down and discuss the issue - NOT the looting, but the REASON for the looting? Instead, he takes side...whichever side would give him the best ratings. And he divides like no president before him.

And don't kid yourself....if the ratings were higher if he backed BLM, he's jump ship in a heartbeat. That's the kind of guy he is. Ask Bolton. He said he makes very quick decisons...but can go 108 degrees just as quickly. YOu people are fooled to believe that he cares about you and this country. He doesn't. He only cares about Donald T Rump.

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