A newly qualified Russian speaker posted on the 4m some more info about the FSD position:
The following information was obtained directly, face-to-face, from
Debbie Carvatta:
The FSD position is not a FA, and will not sit on a jumpseat. They
will have one M/C seat reserved for them during take-off and
landing. Also, the FAA is requiring the company to send them to
training to obtain the minimum safety quals on the 777, similar to
what a new FSM would go through, if the FSM had not been a FA in the
past. The FAA requirement is new, because there is a liability issue
involved, and in order for the FSD to be standing, when the seatbelt
sign is on, they need some training, i.e. medical situation during
turbulence. When I was based at JFK, the Haiti FSDs sat on a
jumpseat, so I'm not sure why the FAA has changed this rule, but
apparently it has. But that was years ago. I left JFK in 2001.
All of the current Russian speakers will bid accordingly at IOR, then
the remaining sequences that does not have a speaker, will have a FSD
assigned to it. Concerning whether they get to eat or not, that was
not addressed. Neither was the issue of riding to the hotel in the
van with the crew. I'm assuming they will. As of the time of
speaking to Debbie, she had received 37 applicants for the FSD
position, a level one manager position. She said specifically, that
the FSD position was strictly a temporary position, and would be
phased out as soon as we were able to hire new FAs, and she would
only be hiring FSDs that could be hired as new-hire FAs, with a
Russian qual, once AA was able to start the hiring process.