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American Airlines Post Plumber Position To Public

Well look at this: One group of blue collar Americans looking down their nose at another group of blue collar Americans. 
No wonder we're in a flat spin.
Good on you for tryin', LD3...
LD3 said:
You are too far removed from manual labor....
Yeah, not really. I worked for a couple summers (and winters) on a highway survey crew in Illinois, which included staking out parking lots, drainage culverts, buildings and storm sewers. Good money back then, and it helped me pay for school.

So when I say it's not rocket science, it's from firsthand experience.

And note that I never said it wasn't hard work. But being a parking lot painter isn't anywhere near the same skill level as being a mechanic. Or a plumber, for that matter.
LD3 said:
Yeah, this dude is serious..... until you do a job you look down on, keep your comments nice... the labor involved is one thing, I challenge you to layout a lot that is radiused and keep the stalls symetrical, bone up on your mathematics first. I didn't say lot stripers should be paid more, I am just commenting on the job is not as easy as you think....
  As far as mathematics is concerned we deal with this every day.  Micrometers, bore gages, etc.  The point BigMac was making is that the TWU has made sure that all jobs other than those who work directly on the aircraft are paid pretty well.  He (Nor I) are not saying they should be paid less.  He is merely pointing out that the TWU has created a lower paid AMT.  They call them OSMs.  Is there a stock clerk version of OSM?  No.  Is there a plant maintenance version of OSM? No.  OSM versions of pilots, flight attendants or fleet service clerks?  Again the AMTs deal with something that other work groups don't have to.  This is designed to keep wages low,  But judge me any way you want.  Obviously you are one of the "A loaf of bread costs the same for everyone" crowd.  Nobody was looking down their nose at anyone else.  As you well know, there are different levels of responsibility with all jobs mentioned.   Let me know when the FAA comes looking for the guy who laid out the parking lot will ya?
Fair enough... The bulk of my work is actually airfield layout & striping, so I do have to answer to the FAA.....
Kev3188 said:
Well look at this: One group of blue collar Americans looking down their nose at another group of blue collar Americans. 
No wonder we're in a flat spin.
Well said.
OldGuy@AA said:
No.  OSM versions of pilots, flight attendants or fleet service clerks?  Again the AMTs deal with something that other work groups don't have to.  This is designed to keep wages low,
Most pilots I know would argue that the RJ's and expansion of the regionals would be their equivilent of OSM's. They call the RJ's Replacement Jets for the very same reason we do.
MetalMover said:
Actually there is.....MSP -MAINTENANCE SUPPORT PERSON.....
Point taken, but just wondering.....  Does AA get to force 25% of the total headcount of Plant Maint. as MSPs regardless of their qualifications?
As you may know, that is the deal the TWU gave them for overhaul mechanics.  25% of total headcount will be OSMs.    
Kev3188 said:
Well look at this: One group of blue collar Americans looking down their nose at another group of blue collar Americans. 
No wonder we're in a flat spin.
Good on you for tryin', LD3...
thank God someone got it. 
jeesh. Some of you guys do more work hurting airline labor than the management at your own company. 
you know who does this at Delta? frickin contractors. I would be happy as hell to see a job posting like this for Delta in Atlanta. 
IIRC, it was around 1988 when Delta told every plant Maint mechanic they were going to be terminated and hired back as contractors for a substantial pay cut.
topDawg said:
I would be happy as hell to see a job posting like this for Delta in Atlanta.
Me too. It'd be a nice change of course.
Glenn Quagmire said:
IIRC, it was around 1988 when Delta told every plant Maint mechanic they were going to be terminated and hired back as contractors for a substantial pay cut.
Was that part of the "superior employment experience?"
Kev3188 said:

Me too. It'd be a nice change of course.

Was that part of the "superior employment experience?"
"this is an airline, not a cleaning service" 
"overhauls? this is an airline. They kinda, but not really, cost to much to do in house"
"ramp work? why do that.....? that what DGS is for"
"Atlanta hangar? hell move it to Mexico" 
can't wait to see whats next........
but on that maintenance side of the hangar, Delta still does some of it in house, (ie hangar doors) but things like the parking lot, cleaning, painting, security etc are all done by vendors.    