Rough Times eh?


Jun 26, 2008
Apparently a lot of people have yet to play the "Arpey Compensation Game"

We all know that it's rough times and we're all kinda getting used to PBJ sandwiches.. :up:

Hit this link and play the Arpey Game

Drag and drop the CEO to the proper compensation..

This will amaze you!!! :shock:
This is nothing but useless propaganda. Hardly a well-reasoned argument against AA's executive compensation structure. I almost hate to bother commenting and raise this to the top of the page...
... snip
I almost hate to bother commenting and raise this to the top of the page...

Then by all means, don't comment - kindly withdraw to your cubicle and quit making pro-corporate comments whilst on your employer's dime.
This is nothing but useless propaganda. Hardly a well-reasoned argument against AA's executive compensation structure. I almost hate to bother commenting and raise this to the top of the page...
Why should "OurPay" be paid rewarded millions for running the airline into the ground and losing money? I guess "OurPay" brings more value to AMR than Mr. Kelly at SWA who runs a profitable airline?

Feel free not to comment company minion, your boss needs you working and fetching his coffee anyway. :unsure:
The TWU's "game" isn't even accurate.

Sure, Steve Jobs has a $1 salary. But he also is the single largest individual shareholder in AAPL. 5.5M shares to be exact, worth approx. $50M, and he has a net worth in excess of $3B.

And Eric Schmidt? He holds 12% of the common stock (the two founders hold 77%), or approx 9.3M shares worth in excess of $3.4B. He's been fairly compensated in stock.

In fact, this ties into the variable comp argument. Did you know that base salary for Google executives is only 7% of total compensation? Bonus is 11% and stock grants make up the remaining 82%....

That leaves us Gary Kelly. Compensation of $1.3M, plus stock grants of almost another $1M.

Arpey's $3.1M difference with Gary Kelly was the PUP. This years actual compensation will be on the same order as Kelly's.
Wow, Eric, according to you, these masters of the Universe can do no wrong..

You just can't argue with the patron saint of the greedy executives.
The TWU doesn't even shoot straight with its own members; what makes you think they shoot straight with the public in this ad/game about executive pay?

How do you know the TWU leaders are lying? Their lips are moving. Or they're buying ad space on websites.
Be careful boys,,FWAAA may file a class action lawsuit defaming our fine executives.
Wow, Eric, according to you, these masters of the Universe can do no wrong..

You just can't argue with the patron saint of the greedy executives.

Didn't say I agreed with their compensation, Hopeless. I simply expect a little more truth and disclosure than what's displayed there.

Sure, it's union propaganda, but comparing airlines to technology companies? Please. The stats presented can be easily refuted with five minutes of looking at a SEC DEF14 filing, and actually reading the accompanying notes. If you're going to compare compensation without also disclosing prior windfalls, then don't bother. It's AAPLs and oranges.

Crap like that is why nobody bothers listening to the union's arguments. Start being honest in the propaganda turned out by the union, and maybe they'd regain some credibility when the discussion turns away from distractions like exec comp and over to real issues, like benefits, pay & working conditions.
The TWU's "game" isn't even accurate.

Sure, Steve Jobs has a $1 salary. But he also is the single largest individual shareholder in AAPL. 5.5M shares to be exact, worth approx. $50M, and he has a net worth in excess of $3B.

And Eric Schmidt? He holds 12% of the common stock (the two founders hold 77%), or approx 9.3M shares worth in excess of $3.4B. He's been fairly compensated in stock.

In fact, this ties into the variable comp argument. Did you know that base salary for Google executives is only 7% of total compensation? Bonus is 11% and stock grants make up the remaining 82%....

That leaves us Gary Kelly. Compensation of $1.3M, plus stock grants of almost another $1M.

Arpey's $3.1M difference with Gary Kelly was the PUP. This years actual compensation will be on the same order as Kelly's.
Simply amazing.... you still don't get it. The game is this: ONLY ONE OF THESE CEO'S WENT CRYING TO IT'S EMPLOYEES FOR A BAILOUT OR ELSE!!!! ARPEY!!!! GOT IT NOW!????

Normally, I could almost give a crap what OURPAY makes. The major problem is when AMR management threatens bankruptcy, cries about high labor costs, whines about losing billions, warns about rough times ahead, and continues stonewalling the employees that saved this airline. YET, they reward themselves like a solvent carrier with PUP bonuses because they "outperformed" the bankrupt carriers, WE HAVE MAJOR PROBLEMS!!!!! Outperformed what????

Don't come to employees for a bailout to prevent bankruptcy while AMR management stuffs $300 million into their greedy pockets!!!!! :angry:
Hackjob: not to defend our executives compensation (I don't really care) but what is that $300 million worth now? The ladies and gents of AMR's executive suite get a big chunk of their total package in stock. Stock that has plummeted since early last year. I'll take my paycheck in cash, thanks.

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