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Right on Cue-


Apr 18, 2009
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Because now the deficit a suddenly a concern :blink:

Geithner Won’t Rule Out New Taxes for Middle Class

To get the economy back on track, will President Barack Obama have to break his pledge not to raise taxes on 95 percent of Americans? In a “This Week†exclusive, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner told me, "We’re going to have to do what’s necessary.â€

Geithner was clear that he believes a key component of economic recovery is deficit reduction. When I gave him several opportunities to rule out a middle class tax hike, he wouldn’t do it.

“We have to bring these deficits down very dramatically,†Geithner told me. “And that’s going to require some very hard choices.â€

“We will not get this economy back on track, recovery will be not strong and sustained, unless we convince the American people that we are going to have the will to bring these deficits down once recovery is firmly established,†he said.

Thers your hope and change for you. :down:
Gee who remembers Bush 1 "No new taxes"?
Because now the deficit a suddenly a concern :blink:

Thers your hope and change for you. :down:

you say that like it's a bad thing ... it is the presidents duty to do whatever is in the best interest of the united states . If the situation calls for taxes hikes , defeicit reductions etc ... so be it ...

i might remind you we are in one of the worst recessions in US history .. (personally i think it's a depression ) if the president can salvage the US economy he will go down as one of the greatest presidents of our life time ... personally i beleive that he will fail ....
you say that like it's a bad thing ... it is the presidents duty to do whatever is in the best interest of the united states . If the situation calls for taxes hikes , defeicit reductions etc ... so be it ...

i might remind you we are in one of the worst recessions in US history .. (personally i think it's a depression ) if the president can salvage the US economy he will go down as one of the greatest presidents of our life time ... personally i beleive that he will fail ....
Obama is not thinking or doing what's best for the economy. That much is painfully obvious.

Its rather insulting that they are going to raise taxes to decrease a deficit that they have added to withgout any concern for what's good for the US. Stimilus package that failed to do anything, ill conceived car trade in entitlement program, and an upcoming health care debacle.

Oh yeah, they are really concerned about a deficit all right. They are on an unprecidented spending spree that we all are going to have take a bite of. Bullsh!t!
So instead of borrow and spend, they want to tax and spend. I do think that is better because when people see the wasteful spending coming out of their paychecks, they will vote out the spendthrifts.
White House came out yesterday no new taxes on anyone making under $250k.

Dont let the facts get in your way!
White House came out yesterday no new taxes on anyone making under $250k.

Dont let the facts get in your way!

Awesome! Are you holding your breath on this?

You can bet your arse that it will happen. Did you see the news today about the tax revenue report? The one that is lowest since 1934?

Still think your taxes are going to stay the same just because your leg is all tingly?
White House came out yesterday no new taxes on anyone making under $250k.

Dont let the facts get in your way!

While it may not happen in the near future I do not see how it could last. We are $13 trillion in the hole. No one is willing to make real sacrifices to entitlement programs. Ear marks are out of hand. Someone has to pay for this mess. We have not been willing to pay for decades so at some point it is going to break.

We are all going to pay at some point for our short sighted actions.
there is no way all these newly created spending programs can be put into place..

(and these proposals to spend even more on top of it all..) without increasing middle class taxes.

when all is said and done.. there will be two classes, the rich and the newly created poor folks after the middle class has been taxed into oblivion.

(its not that difficult to figure out)

spend spend spend spend spend and more spending :blink:


someone has to pay it back...

hello Middle Class.
While it may not happen in the near future I do not see how it could last. We are $13 trillion in the hole. No one is willing to make real sacrifices to entitlement programs. Ear marks are out of hand. Someone has to pay for this mess. We have not been willing to pay for decades so at some point it is going to break.

We are all going to pay at some point for our short sighted actions.

Having that in mind.....................Let Nobama and his Posse run the tab up ..............right ? :blink:
I am not sure if U have my history right but I seem to recall that the last time we were in a depression, we needed a world war and massive spending to get us out of it.

I do not believe sitting around with our fingers up our butt letting the banks, auto industry and who knows what else tank would have been a good idea.

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