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Richard Branson & Midatlantic?

I also would have Branson for my CEO,People friendly that's it...

So he HAS AN EGO? What Succesful Man doesn't it?

Success IS THE KEY WoRD>>>>

Attitude Makes A world of Differance-wonder if Siegel ever heard,'you can catch more honey with fly's then with vinegar' 😉 ?
"I believe the workforce is unhappy about the pay and benefit reductions as well as a reduction in working conditions, but this message board is not representative of employee moral.

In my opinion, moral is not as bad as some of us make it out to be.




Your opinion is quite wrong. Simply put, morale is as low as I've seen it here in my almost 26 years. From everyone from the pilots to the cleaners to the agents to the flight attendants to the mechanics and everyone in between. I am amazed you don't see it. Or perhaps you choose not to. This management has no people or motivational skills. And I truly, truly am doubting their ability to run this company profitably. With or without MDA and a large regional fleet. You seem to be "in the know" but your credibility takes a big hit in my eyes if, as you state, morale is not as bad as some of us make it out to be. Do not confuse the superb professionalism our employees exhibit as they do their work with good morale. There is a huge difference. While management makes excuses for pathetic on time numbers, pax complaints, lack of flight crew, and mishandled bags on everything from weather to busted baggage sorters, the simple reasons are that we are understaffed, overworked and swimming upstream against a management that is saving nickels and losing dollars. Not to mention passengers.

Our main competition, Delta, is taking the bull by the horns and competing. We are cutting and running. And it will catch up with us. You can see it in the numbers I mentioned above. And that drives morale even lower. If the BOD doesn't make a change in the leadership of this company, we have 2 years or less until the cash runs out. Morale is low Chip. And denying it while playing footsies with management won't change things. Wake up and understand that the people in charge here haven't a clue how to run this airline.

pitguy said:

We are all chipper in maintenance.
Sure we are Pit. I just LOVE my job so much I am looking and hopefully close to having U in my past. Glad I am not only an airline mechanic in these troubled times. The glory days of being an airline mechanic thanks to the likes of Mr. Glass and like minds are fast becoming history. Getting the A&P tickets for wages that auto mechanics receive just doesn’t get it. I feel bad for the folks finding themselves stuck with this one skill.

You are still making the BIG $$$$$$$$$

Why don't you talk to us who are make peanuts..aka NO $$$$$$$.

This company STINKS.......

It's a shame they have destroried Families Lives.

Work now at a MAINLINE EXPRESS STATION and today was a mess...

Weather delays....

Maintance delays.....

and did I mention tring to trtain new hires....HELPPPPPPPPPP



He wants a circus...

US Airways is a dinosaur, already trapped in the tar pit of mismanagement.

I love it. It is the best one-line description of US I have ever seen. :up:

Don't believe that 1,879 of your fellow pilots would agree with your morale assesment of this company.
We're all HAPPY-Arent You?

Glad I'm working and took a $600.00 per month pay cut.

Glad I'm paying more for medical.

Glad my vacation time, uniform cleaning allowance(7.50) is gone.

Glad my sick time has been reduced to 5 DAYS PER YEAR_per CWA ,but not without pressure from U.

Glad I fly for free..

Glad I'm working 4 hrs PER DAY>


One thousand reasons :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: why ,and those reasons ARE ONLY A FEW< there are many more..
Chip Munn said:

I believe the workforce is unhappy about the pay and benefit reductions as well as a reduction in working conditions, but this message board is not representative of employee moral.

In my opinion, moral is not as bad as some of us make it out to be.


you forgot to call us malcontents 😀
I believe the workforce is unhappy about the pay and benefit reductions as well as a reduction in working conditions, but this message board is not representative of employee moral.

As it pertains to productivity, I'm not sure morale is the right word for the drastic drop in U's performance since exiting bankrupcy. Is it possible to have what some would regard as a spirited group of essential employees who's underperformance and misdirected deeds slow the Airline to a crawl by intention.

Yes, the Morale you see may be positive. But its the good Morale of a brotherhood and sisterhood of an association fighting for fair treatment by means of subtle resistance. The proof is in the product U is currently delivering. Everything being equal, other airlines in the eastern region are doing a better job in all catagories of Air Transport than U is.

Morale is high but job motivation is low. You are seeing only the top tier of the iceberg here. Don't guage Motivation by the bright smile of the car salesman. You'll have to get down to the assembly line to see why production is down.
Traveler said:
Is it possible to have what some would regard as a spirited group of essential employees who's underperformance and misdirected deeds slow the Airline to a crawl by intention.

Oh, indeed it is possible. And when this group is found at the highest level of management it is extremely demoralizing to the troops faced with trying to do more with less.

Remember, staffing levels have been cut to draconian levels, forcing the level of service down. The "regular folk" are burning out, due to workplace stress.

The employees and customers of U deserve so much better. Now ask yourself what could be the motivation and goal of these "misdirected deeds"?

Your post makes a very valid point, but take it a step further.

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