"I believe the workforce is unhappy about the pay and benefit reductions as well as a reduction in working conditions, but this message board is not representative of employee moral.
In my opinion, moral is not as bad as some of us make it out to be.
Your opinion is quite wrong. Simply put, morale is as low as I've seen it here in my almost 26 years. From everyone from the pilots to the cleaners to the agents to the flight attendants to the mechanics and everyone in between. I am amazed you don't see it. Or perhaps you choose not to. This management has no people or motivational skills. And I truly, truly am doubting their ability to run this company profitably. With or without MDA and a large regional fleet. You seem to be "in the know" but your credibility takes a big hit in my eyes if, as you state, morale is not as bad as some of us make it out to be. Do not confuse the superb professionalism our employees exhibit as they do their work with good morale. There is a huge difference. While management makes excuses for pathetic on time numbers, pax complaints, lack of flight crew, and mishandled bags on everything from weather to busted baggage sorters, the simple reasons are that we are understaffed, overworked and swimming upstream against a management that is saving nickels and losing dollars. Not to mention passengers.
Our main competition, Delta, is taking the bull by the horns and competing. We are cutting and running. And it will catch up with us. You can see it in the numbers I mentioned above. And that drives morale even lower. If the BOD doesn't make a change in the leadership of this company, we have 2 years or less until the cash runs out. Morale is low Chip. And denying it while playing footsies with management won't change things. Wake up and understand that the people in charge here haven't a clue how to run this airline.