Maybe the unions need to start lobbying efforts to deny Virgin America a certificate?
Whats in it for us union folks.
Sounds like a mgmt task to me. Better get started before its too late 😉
Maybe the unions need to start lobbying efforts to deny Virgin America a certificate?
Are we now saying that Carty acted alone in his final act of greed and the rest, including Aprey, Garton and the like knew nothing of it and were completely unaware of their individual SERPs? If these individuals were such the stellar role model bosses, wouldn't you think they would be breaking the SERP story and not the Wall Street Journal?What's in it for you union folks?...
Someday, perhaps when it's too late, y'all will realize that the likes of Branson, Needleman, and now Carty, have always been the biggest threat to your continued employment.
What's in it for you union folks?...
Someday, perhaps when it's too late, y'all will realize that the likes of Branson, Needleman, and now Carty, have always been the biggest threat to your continued employment. If you put a quarter of the energy into fighting other airlines that you do fighting your own management, there wouldn't be carriers like Jetblue or Airtran.