"revolutionary" seat-back entertainment system

I hope all of this is true because this is something to be excited about.

I actually think pre-loaded is better. On JetBlue its just standard TV, boring. They bought LiveTV so other airlines like Frontier essentially pay JetBlue for the service. With a pre-loaded options there are so many more choices of movies, albums, series etc... stuff you'd actually want to watch. For ten years old the Passpoprt system on the 330 is still pretty cool and kicked the other US carriers out of the water at the time. Getting rid of cash onboard would also be great.

Like I said US is in a good position to do this since nearly half of the fleet is getting replaced- the delivery Airbuses (or Boeings, but you know its Airbus) and Embraers would be delivered with them, you'd only have to retrofit the existing Airbuses.

Good news for once. I hope they are serious about it. Improve the operation, merge the contracts, and then relaunch the brand next year-new seats, new aircraft, new look, new IFE.
Well, how are you supposed to get at the seatback to work the thing if some schmo in front of you fully reclines the seat?
If they keep screwing up the seating configurations to cram in as many seats as possible it will be a problem. On the A330 in some seats if they recline you have to also to watch your TV.

I wonder if these would be touch screen ir handset? The handsets take up a lot of space in the armrest and are uneccessary if they do not have phones in them anymore. Are JetBlue's touch screen?
What with that "Generous" Less than WN, Less than JB 31" seat pitch reclining shouldn't be a problem :angry: :angry: :angry:
That is so I don't have to wear my glasses. I can read my book and watch TV without having to put my glasses on! How Thoughtful of Them! :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:
This is a big move for US, since America West was waiting for more cutting edge technology before going forward. The main reason they put it off, was the cost of doing so without getting revenue generated by the system, especially since it would have meant retro fitting current a/c versus taking delivery with the system already in place. Technology changes so much and so rapidly, US would only invest in a system that can be adaptable to that changing environment. They long stood on their ground by citing that passengers of today bring portable DVD players, laptops with movies and now ipods with movies, mp3 players etc,...basically they have a lot of their own entertainment. This is a great move and, but it always adds more work to the FA's when systems go down especially seat by seat.
<EG>....I vote we get the "Playboy" channel for....

....errr.....ummmm......Piney. <smile>

ONLY stating (comical) opinions.
This is a great move and, but it always adds more work to the FA's when systems go down especially seat by seat.

Its really not that big of a deal for F/As. I work H sometimes on the 330 and the Passport system is really simple to operate and reset. If you can use an ATM machine you can operate it, same for the MAS system on the narrowbodies. I really wonder about the people who find that sort of thing challenging. I heard a lady in the crew room freaking out about "the system" on the E190, therefore she will not fly A on it (you open a door and press the play button... :shock: )
I heard a lady in the crew room freaking out about "the system" on the E190, therefore she will not fly A on it (you open a door and press the play button... :shock: )

sky high states: LOL, New plane? it always goes JUNIOR for awhile. Until they work out the kinks.

only stating opinions
:ph34r: more than likely the new system will only show ads. in order to activate the other programming you will have to sign up for the bank of america visa card. which will become the only card that is accepted onboard!! :blink: KILL THE CASH COW!! B)
we are the first airline this vendor is working with so we have the upper hand on getting what we want. stay tuned for more details .

You mean, we are the beta testers. Just like the "revolutionary" air-phone in the seat backs as well as "Beta-Jet" based in BWI, "business-select" where, within one week we managed to cold-cock at least one passenger when the divider came loose on rotation.

I wonder if the sandcastle will put the same dude in charge as ran those other ideas into the ground.

and, my glass is neither half full nor half empty as my glass, as well as my expectations, are simply half normal size.
You mean, we are the beta testers. Just like the "revolutionary" air-phone in the seat backs as well as "Beta-Jet" based in BWI, "business-select" where, within one week we managed to cold-cock at least one passenger when the divider came loose on rotation.
I wonder if the sandcastle will put the same dude in charge as ran those other ideas into the ground.

sky high states: LOL, anyone else remember that seatback entertainment system we installed years ago? That no one used? Mostly video games, wasnt it?

only stating opinions