Return Of The Vf Flight Attendants...


Aug 7, 2003
I signed up for VF 1....along with 2,200 others. And of course December 02, 2004 is fast approaching. What is the "number" scheduled back in December?...(including those on VF 2-6 who have yet to decide if they should extend or not)??? Just class date was somewhere in 98'. I'm still mainline for now......however, I'm reading everything I can get my hands on about MidAtlantic........some of my classmates are not worried about losing mainline................shouldn't they be??? :unsure:
With all the extensions and VF 1,2 & will be well over 1200 due least. They must quit or come back. They will offer a VF10 but those people already out will not be able to bid on it. If your 1998 ...your right around my senority and yes, they should be looking at MDA. Baring some miracle......a massive furlough will take place around DEC 2004. I don't know if AFA has even crunched the numbers. Usually they get them from In-flight Administration. September 1st is the deadline for everything. We should know around then the final number coming back. Also, don't forget if we give anything will result in even more furloughs. Fun fun.
USAirboya330: How do you know they will be offering a VF10 and what do you mean Sept 1, is the deadline for everything??? :huh:

You think the company is going to make the same mistake they did last DEC when they were hauled into court? Please.....if ANY reduction in F/A head count is announced they must follow the VF program outlined in the contract. Now, I understand they might be asking for that back in negotiations but....they can ask until they are blue in the face. AFA better not even think about giving that back. Sept 1st is the deadline for VF 2 or 3 final extensions and also the VSIP II numbers. So, after 9/01/04 we should know exactly how many F/A's have the "intent" on coming back in DEC. Now, some could quit but no one can predict that with certainty.
PITBull can elaborate but I know a VF10 must be offered unless it's negotiated away and that must be voted on my the members. If I see any proposal with no VF program in place I will just mark the NO bubble right then and there. No need to read the rest of it.
You know the comany compains about how much of a "nightmare" keeping up with the VF programs are but, it really saves them money. They are getting a higher paid F/A off the payroll and not having to dish out "FURLOUGH" pay...only unemployment. It just amkes you wonder if they passed math class in 4th grade.
The company does not want the VF program, adminstratively to costly and no one really leaves in order to preserve "permanent" jobs for the junior folks.

Its making many of the junior folks crazy with not knowing whether they will be furloughed or displaced every 6 months.

IMO the VF has lost its value.

AFA will be proposing something that is permanent and will incentivize anyone who wants to go.

That will be posted sometime next week by AFA along with the co. proposal.
As of 900am on 8/4 67 FAs have extended their VF come December 2004. Yes, I know that does dont sound like alot but most folks dont send their forms in till the last minute. In addition Im quite sure alot of folks will be talking the VSIP just offered. These people who have been gone for 3 yrs are done with US, they want to move on. I may be wrong but im guessing that maybe 100-150 will be coming back.
From what I understand, 1100 are due back on the 1st of Dec. and the company wants to furlough another 1600, NOT counting the 1100. That makes 2700 f/a's mainline that are out the door.

I can only HOPE that our Union will make sure the company offers another VF10. This is the ONLY way to go.

Many reserves are more than ready to hit the road, along with many blockholders, this time around.
Those of us on the VF2 just received a letter from the company a few weeks ago stating that if we choose to extend our leave, we have to let them know by Sept. 3rd. The choices are to extend by 6 or 12 mos. No doubt quite a few will choose to extend and some have already taken the VSIP or have just plain quit. So, who knows how many will be returning. But if the company wants to keep the number of active F/As the same (or less) then I would expect to see them offer another voluntary furlough. I, for one, will be coming back. See you in December! of luck coming back. Things are not what they used to be. If you come back as a blockholder/primary or secondary...then life could be good. If on reserve.....NOT. I have loved this job...but when one only gets 45-55 hours a month is very difficult to have the incentive to work for per diem only.

Airplanes are is ugly...passengers are nasty.....Crews...are the best!!!!! :lol: ;)
Thanks, KT. I'll be coming back as a blockholder on the 50-hour option (until they do away with it), but I'm still not expecting much from my seniority (19th year).

The airplanes were dirty, catering was ugly, the passengers were nasty and the crews were the best when I left 2 years ago, so I see nothing's really changed. ;)
Maybe Iam can work out a deal where mech help clean the planes. Seems like if there are some avl time would help huh?

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