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Response To A P Tech

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Cav said: "I don't care what you post on here saying it’s all in the needs of the company’s survival, we all saw your true colors when you took a fit right after you lost your pension. You then realized becoming an instant million was now not going to be a sure thing, and then you switched back after realizing you would still have your job if only all these other labor groups can be convinced of all the crap you're shoveling. Like pitbull has posted to “use your headâ€￾."

USA320Pilot understands: It's obvious you do not understand effective and third-party communication in an open forum. I knew the pension was dead long before it was terminated, but I had another agenda in my posts. I get a kick out of some of your lieteral type of thoughts, which likely would not do real well in a negotiation. Think real hard and...ah never mind.


If the pilots want a deal that bad, let 'em take the IAM $120m out of their paychecks.

Fatburger said: "ALPA is a weak, loser union which you helped create. Being scared is no way to go through life. Stand up for yourself, you can make a difference."

USA320Pilot comments: With all due respect, you have concept of reality because no union, none, has any leverage right now. The company and the entire industry continue to bleed to death and fuel prices are accelerating the loses. Just look at today's report by United.

The loan guarantee is like a loaded gun pointed right at US Airways' head and any union or individual who believes otherwise is wrong.

If you want to be mad at somebody do not be mad at ALPA, be mad at those who have lowered the bar and that's the LCC and RJ operators.



And what is your agenda now, pray tell. Oh, let me guess????? :shock:
See my comments above regarding what I think will happen to US.

I do 6 figures of business with US a year (even in the bad years). My firm does 10 figures. I'm very close to a rather large vendor (and thus creditor) of US Airways.

Now, as has been proven to ALPA very recently (see GEGAS, and no, that's not to whom I'm close), those owed money know a lot about what happens in the executive suite, particularly as it pertains to strategic financial moves that are upcoming.

Contrast that with (the largely speculative) information brought to this forum by various line employees who hold no union office and have been chastised by their union for shooting off at the mouth in public forums.

I'll let the gentle reader decide (and the SEC--does anybody really believe that CCY would share any of this information with anybody but the top union brass, and only then under NDAs?) which information and views are more credible.

With no disrespect intended, you are truly clueless on what is going on. You are an outsider and a good customer, which I appreciate, but you have no idea what's occurring on the inside. I do.

Separately, you do nothing to help this company on this message board and in fact, you are hurting the company and its employees with your posts.


I concur with you USA320Pilot. Clueby4 must enjoy being a sidelined QB. I have never understood why most of his postings are always negative in some manner.
ClueByFour said:
Contrast that with (the largely speculative) information brought to this forum by various line employees who hold no union office and have been chastised by their union for shooting off at the mouth in public forums.

I'll let the gentle reader decide (and the SEC--does anybody really believe that CCY would share any of this information with anybody but the top union brass, and only then under NDAs?) which information and views are more credible.

Thanks for writing another informative post. Your insight and knowledge as a United F/A are very helpful to US Airways' employees. We appreciate your informed opinion.


USA320Pilot said:

With no disrespect intended, you are truly clueless on what is going on. You are an outsider and a good customer, which I appreciate, but you have no idea what's occurring on the inside. I do.

Separately, you do nothing to help this company on this message board and in fact, you are hurting the company and its employees with your posts.



It is you, dear Captain, who is doing more harm and creating more desention among employees and labor than anyone in CCY.

You have nerve to chastise someone, particularly a customer of U. I AM on the inside, the very very "inside". And CLUE is closer than you think. You're edition is "out to lunch" with your negative labor ideas and fodder. A very senior officer said just to ignore you.
Analyst said:
I concur with you USA320Pilot. Clueby4 must enjoy being an sidelined QB. I have never understood why most of his postings are always negative in some manner.

I've no beef with the US fronline folks as a whole (in fact, if I did I would no longer have any reason to fly the airline). I'd like to see US survive, but I don't think the current executive team has the tools to pull it off, nor do I think that folks should open a contract without a good reason (good reason being defined as a plan that provides for decent compensation and the chance to work for a firm that represents a "going concern"). I also don't think that any union on the property should do a thing until CCY stops playing fast and loose with contracts (I can tell you from personal experience that they stopped doing that kind of crap to corporate customers and suppliers before even exiting Chapter 11) and makes good on the whoppers they've already pulled.

What you call negative I call realistic.
Well I must say I am proud to have a topic with my name in the header. Did make for some interesting reading, some I agree and some I must disagree.

Can't say I agree with the company's figures on the in house S checks time frame since we do not do them. The C's have been going out like clock work except for a parts delay here and there. May wait a day or two for parts to be shipped in from Alabama or Europe. When a C is scheduled there is no reason the parts are not in pre draw but it happens, maybe due to the cuts in planning.

As for the pre packaged BK I am not really worried, what happens, happens. With all the coporate scandals going on and with it being an election year and with the ASTB Loan it would be watched very carefully. Just because the IAM refuses to give again does not mean they will get hammered and all other will be untouched.

As for moving Mtc to an undesirable location, if you are talking Mobile, thats great!! Pay a respectable salary and the living will be good.

Bottom line the upcoming months will be very interesting for all at Usair!!!!!
USA320Pilot said:
but you have no idea what's occurring on the inside. I do.

Separately, you do nothing to help this company on this message board and in fact, you are hurting the company and its employees with your posts.
Let me CLUE you in on something captain. You are known as the extraordinary one of the pilot group throughout the entire company, the pilot who posts on aviation all kinds of secret information that is only known to himself. It's like you belong to a secret society, maybe wear strange rings and deliver secret signs as you past by the other very few enlightened individuals who are fortunate enough to be part of this small elitist group.

Think I am exaggerating here? I am not, this is the way you are viewed because you have gone bonkers way too many times with these strange bizarre posts full of knowledge only known to you, the special captain of U.
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