Reserve F/a's Beware


Sep 30, 2003
Hey guys,

I just recieved an email from the AFA that was saying any reserve F/A filing Unemployment Compensation due to the new reserve system the company will dispute these claims.

Also, those of you that have filed and recieved compensation...The Company is Looking into this also....

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I didn't know anything about this until after I got furloughed...I found out that 2 of my friends applied 2 months prior to us getting furloughed because they weren't making their time..thus, not making the same money.
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They were collecting "Partial" Unemployment compensation!!!!
Colby --

Is there such a thing as "partial" unemployment compensation? When I was axed from USAIR in November of 01, I knew I was getting furloughed a month prior and made several attempts to claim early and was turned down, even with less that 30 hours for the month on RSV. Maybe it's a state of Virginia thing....
Yes, there is such a thing as partial unemployment (at least in Pennsylvania). It states in the unemployment handbook "if your hours of work are reduced because of lack of work" you can collect partial unemployment. So, I don't see how the company can contest the reserve FA's unemployment claims. To claim though, you have to claim your gross earnings for that week and then have to make under a certain amount. Hope that helps.
prettylit101 said:
Yes, there is such a thing as partial unemployment (at least in Pennsylvania). It states in the unemployment handbook "if your hours of work are reduced because of lack of work" you can collect partial unemployment. So, I don't see how the company can contest the reserve FA's unemployment claims. To claim though, you have to claim your gross earnings for that week and then have to make under a certain amount. Hope that helps.
Pretty 101,

You are correct.

Any Employer has the "right" to contest unemployment.
You, as an unemployment claimant, have the "right" to APPEAL.

It all depends on what you were able to fly the previous year. If you only flew your guarantee, and never broke it the previous year, it will be difficult to receive any partial unemployment. However, if you can demonstrate that you received your time and always or almost always broke guarantee and received your option, then it is worth the argument.

EVERY F/A RESERVE, who received eligibility documentation needs to APPEAL. Let the unemployment hearing board know that you were able to make your option (last year whatever your option was is) by hours and now because of the new implemenation of the new reserve system, you have lost hours. Let the unemployment official that you speak with know that you receive a guarantee (whatever that guarantee is) and divide the guarantee by 4. That will give you and the UE Rep. a better indication of what you can receive weekly, if eligible.

Example: If you are on 105 and last year you made your time most of the months, but now you cannot, accept for the pay guarantee, you maybe eligible for some partial compensation weekly. Its worth a try. Make mangement send someone to the hearing to argue. You do the same. Fight hard for it. If management wants to go through that "leg work" make them and APPEAL.

Can't say everyone will be or is eligbile for receiving partial benefits, because a top out person pay and a 6 or 7 year f/a make different hourly rates of pay. So the guarantee actual gross pay will be different. DO NOT include any meal perdium, as that is an expense allowance, NOT EARNED INCOME.

Do not be in fear that management will challenge those who have already received. There responsibility was to notify unemployment in a certain time frame of their "contesting". IF they missed that period (I think it is 7 days), they can't go back.
PIT local Pres. will put something out on the PIT e-line on Monday.

She will also contact the unemployment Director in PA and explain mangement's intent.
I was able to collect partial benefits at the end of 2001 when they closed down BWI. I was at the bottom of the barrel and I didnt work for two months. I was on quick call the whole time and got not one call from scheduling. So I called unemployment and explained to them what happen and they told me (the state of Md.), because my hours was cut, I qualified for partial benefits. US Scareways can fight back all they like but you have the right, depending on your state of claim, to file for partial benefits if your hours our cut which I am sure they will be. They are just saying all this mess now because a lot of people are realizing this now and a lot of people are filing. If you are unsure, talk to a someone in the benefit department for your state. And also, if you are claiming from a state that you are not a resident in, for an example, my resident was TN but I work out of PA, you dont have to pay the taxes when you file so when they ask if you want taxes coming out of the check, say no. Because you are not a resident of that state but you work there but you file in your residental state, you dont have to pay those taxes. You can also verify w/ benefits of unemployment. Hope this helps.
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I was referring to what had been done in Pennsylvania. All I can say is I wish I would have known that I too could have filed for this.... But, I waited until the day I was Furloughed to file.

Pit Bull- Thankyou for explaining this to all in more detail than What I could offer...I was simply putting out the warning from the email I recieved.

Cancer 69- I agree with you 110%.... a lot more people have realized this and started filing therefore setting off an Alarm to U !!!
Please let the f/as know they need to go on the AFA PIT webpage and then click Pittsburgh.
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PIT Bull I believe you just did !!!!!

Unfortunately everyone I know is Furloughed like me !!!!
Color me stupid, but don't reserves even receive some kind of guarenteed pay amount, regardless of hours actually flown?

If US is breaking a pay guarantee, they deserve to fight the UE claims, because they will (or IMHO should) lose.

Read the above posts again. The reserves are NOT breaking guarantee at all. Because of this new reserve system driven by f/a time (which must be balanced in the base) they are not able to reach their flying option and BREAK the guarantee (which means to surpass it). They use to be able to receive trips in order of seniority. That system is gone. Only approx. 20 reserves in the entire system acutally got to their option not including ITD. In PIT, NO ITD f/a reached their option. NONE. We have approx 70 reserves in International. We have about 1800 reserves sytem wide.

This reserve system started in November. It is a major problem and the reserves are in financial trouble. This is ON TOP of the 8.4% they already gave up in wage concessions NOT including pay penalties if they call in sick. Major, major catastrophic problem.

The reserves need all the help they can get. I suspect, and can probably make a wager, that Mangement's next step will be to furlough and reduce head count with reserves. The entire premise of the "Time Balance" reserve system was to get rid of heads.
Interesting clarification on the unemployment topic. I do believe PA is a little more "labor friendly" of a state than the commonwealth of Virginia. As for the new RSV system at USAIR. That sounds B.A.D!!!!! How does the quick call system work anymore?? Is it also done by hours versus seniority, and can junior f/a's still place themselves on QUICK with daily?? Time balancing really works at the carrier I'm presently with, but I guess our headcount and work rule complexities aren't even a fraction of those at U. I pray for the employees of U every day in hopes that SOMEONE or SOMETHING will reach out and change the system for the better, collectively. PITBULL, has AFA been actively fighting this new RSV system and if much progress has been made thus far?


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