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Tranformation Plan


Aug 8, 2004
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Let's blame the call handling time on the res agents because bad decisions were made by who, not the agents We ask customer to call and then put them on an endless loop of transfers. Example. Customer uses our less then friendly web site. They want to put their frequent traveler number in the reservation. They call res who sends them back to customer service at web site who only transfers them back to res. They get to res and the agent cannot help because they do this or that function. The customer get transferred back to another res agent who cannot help because of the type of call it is. Back into the res loop and maybe after 7 or 8 transfers someone offers to help the customer. Could this add up the call handling time and does the toll free phone service give Usairways all the 800 service we want for free? Folks this endless loop mess was created by our leaders and not by res agents who hear grief about how long the hold time was and why someone cannot help them. This needs to be transformed but I don't think the bk judge should do this.
Yes...The priority right now are the actual sales calls ahead of the "I don't like my seat calls"...

It is unfortunate that the company has wasted many millions of dollars giving golden parachutes to past executives and have laid off thousands of reservation agents going from 9 reservation centers down to only 2 now...Afraid of losing sales calls because of the high volume of callers, they implemented a "push button" selection to que sales calls ahead of service calls....The main problem is not enough Reservation agents, a web site that seems to have many flaws...and I believe this situation may get worse before it gets any better....

Do you think Chapter 7 is around the corner as some financial anaylsts have predicted?