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Republic Announces Follow-on Public Offering

EmbPilot said:
There we go.. the aprehensable rudeness. Your "We are better than you", attitude has nothing to do with the issue. If you don't want 30K paycut, find another place to work. What you seem to forget is that some of us are perfectly content with what we get paid. If that is to low for you, take a hike. Don't tell me what you should be paid, we all know you get paid what you negotiate, not what your worth. With that attitude, i'm surprised your not flying 172's and your local flight school! Get over it! Just take a look at what is staring you in the face. God, that is why so many CHQ/REP pilots hope you do quit and not take jobs at CHQ. You are not some SUPER-Pilot, get over that attitude. You make barely more than CHQ/REP pilot's currently make. YOU SOLD OUT YOUR SOULS FOR MAA AND A "C" SCALE PAY RATE, AND YOU WANT TO BLAME US FOR IT????

Get a grip and just watch where the chips are about to fall.

Actually,they didn't "sell their souls"-they didn't even get to vote on the MDA pay rates-they were merrily thrown under the bus by their mainline "brethren".If you're "perfectly content with what you get paid, do a little research and in the meantime STFU !
FrankWasRight said:
Actually,they didn't "sell their souls"-they didn't even get to vote on the MDA pay rates-they were merrily thrown under the bus by their mainline "brethren".If you're "perfectly content with what you get paid, do a little research and in the meantime STFU !

Frank, while true that the MDA pilot's didn't vote to accept the payrates per se, they were aware what the rates are and accepted a position at MDA anyway.

Please don't imply "Hey-we got thrown under the Bus! We're not responsible!"

We all have our reasons for working for the wages we do, but to say you were forced to is crap...and you know it.
EMB Pilot,

Read your post....... What you described in the incoherant bastardization of a profession which takes years to get started in, is fickle in that if you lose your medical, get a DUI, or just aren't very lucky ends in a heart-beat and if all goes perfectly, you are REQUIRED to retire by age 60. Throw in the fact that you never start anywhere but at the bottom of a list no matter your experience, and if there is any light at all between your ears you get the picture. Try telling a heart surgeon he will have to start once again as an orderly or candy-striper every time he switches practices or hospitals.....

If you're really happy with what you make, never dreamed the UAL 777 or NWA 747-400 pay scale dream, you really are simple minded fool......These airplanes aren't fun to fly, we don't do it for kicks. You want a fun airplane, go fly a lear or rent a decathalon. In the mean time, most who understand the difference between a career which is very difficult to get started in and a hobby is one thing and one thing only, MONEY.

If you really are happy with what you make, why not post your name and I'm sure there are those here who will ensure that you never work for a major carrier. If not, think for a minute about what that coveted major carrier job will pay when the outsourcing to those with no backbone will pay. How does the dream of flying a 747 left seat all over the world for two weeks at a time for $90,000 sound? Not worth it is it....

I'm not blaming you, or the other CHQ/Mesa/who-the-heck-ever pilots, I know how managment works. But if you think you deserve the respect and admiration of those whose backs you are able to leap from, think again. Most of the pilots whose jobs are being outsourced are wearing their 15 or 20 year ALPA pins, have been furloughed at least twice, and started their flying careers with carriers like Eastern, Peoples Express, or some other carrier most of the express pilots are only old enough to have read about. Yea, the USAir guys have had bad luck, and have maybe made some bad decisions, but they've been there to talk the talk and walk the walk. You want an example of class, take a look at the ba()$$ on the MDA pilots right now, standing up for what is right no matter the cost, its called pride and integrity.

The fact is, Republic Managment does want the MidAtlantic Pilots to train their pilots, do proving runs, mini-evacs, appease the feds, and keep their airplanes flying with the regularity that so far only MidAtlantic has managed. As it is, who do you think already trains most of your pilots? USAir contract training has trained all of your instructors, is training everyone at Shuttle America, and will be training those who chose to show their true character and went to the first Republic Class.

This will all conclude one way or another and the 28 airplanes will go to Republic. When the terms are settled, the MidAltlantic crew members who chose to go will be the models of professionalism they have been all along. They will get the planes flying, the crews trained, the manuals correctly rewritten, and carry on business as usual. If you think this isn't true, talk to any former Allegheney or Piedmont pilot who went to MidAtlantic about what the USAirways guys are like.

Best to you, and remember how you feel about USAir pilots the next time you stick your hand out and ask for a jump seat or enjoy not paying by the leg for your pass privelages.



PS. No MidAtlantic Pilot ever had the chance to vote on a contract, it was handed to us by a spineless MEC who continues to show their true colors. The MDA pilots have fought hard for a contract which still does not exist in written form, were forced to operate under the Eagle contract with no side letters and still have better pay and working conditions than the IBT. Maybe you should consider the benefits of having the entire pilot group come WITH the airplanes and a contract? Suddenly, Republic starts to grow, you get a pay increase, better vacation, better scheduling, long call reserve, the whole thing. It may happen and would be for your betterment and only because the MDA pilots have backbone.
Wrong Mr. Turtle, try bait-n-switch...... What was offered at MDA and what actually happened after everyone quit their jobs and showed up in class for are far different things.

All or none!


Very well said.

I hope all the MDA Guys continue to hold the line and say 'No' until such time as the change of control provisions are enforced.

the turtle said:
Frank, while true that the MDA pilot's didn't vote to accept the payrates per se, they were aware what the rates are and accepted a position at MDA anyway.

Please don't imply "Hey-we got thrown under the Bus! We're not responsible!"

We all have our reasons for working for the wages we do, but to say you were forced to is crap...and you know it.
I would come to work everyday with a smile if we could keep the same working conditions/pay, but have you seem what the current offer is???????
-50% of the pilots
-no seniority integration
-2year traing contract
-double up hotel rooms in training
and bedford (chq ceo) has the balls to say he doesnt want us to come if we have a chip on our shoulder.

EMBPILOT .........aprehensable rudeness!!!! you need to look no further than your scumbag leader for that.
Its really easy for you to say get a grip and let the chips fall, but look at whats happening, how would you feel if your cozey little life was disrupted????? I came to MDA because it was not chq, mesa, TSA, or PSA. And its not. You do not know the difference and i wish you did because you attitude might change.
And since you broiught it up....we are better than you, the most jr pilot at MDA was flying when some of your capts were in diapers.

I hope the 5 scabs that took the class are having fun snuggling in thier queen sized beds in indy

Most of the pilots i fly with had 13 to 16 years at mainline. They do not deserve this, and noone in the EMB-Division deserves this. I am done with saying MAA or MDA or whatever everyone including me have been calling it. There is and was never a MidAtlantic. SMOKE and MIRRORS. It is the EMB-Division of mainline..we are on the same certificate and it is mostly mainline pilots and ALL mainline f/a's flying them. I can not find the name "MidAtlantic" in anything official (manual ect..) So, they need to stop the madness. :rant:
EMBPILOT is not worth responding to. Don't waste your time trying to explain the airline industry to someone who's logbook goes back 2 years. Now that he's a big airline pilot making more money than ever, he has all the answers. Maybe he could get a start by reading 'Flying the Line,' then spend a few years interviewing former Eastern or Continental pilots, or all the others who have paved his way to success. Then again, since now these jets and routes are all his, guess it won't matter. Put him in a Convair 580 and see how good he really is, but hey, what's a Convair?
foreright said:
EMBPILOT .........aprehensable rudeness!!!! you need to look no further than your scumbag leader for that.

And since you broiught it up....we are better than you, the most jr pilot at MDA was flying when some of your capts were in diapers.

Bullshit. Not ONE of the J4J guys already here at CHQ takes that attitude with us. And they're working with us everyday, including some of our rawest newhires that really don't know squat about the industry. Those guys are the epitome of class and professionalism, and work everyday to try to improve an admittedly junior pilot group.

The "most junior" MDA pilot was flying when some of our CAs were in diapers? Doubt it. You're conveniently forgetting the guys from the CEL, not all of whom were grizzled 20-year Dash Captains. Or the check airman who I flew to YUL in spring '04 who was a 1999 new hire on the MD-80. Or the guy who flew at CHQ in the Saab and J-Ball, went to Airways in 2000, was rehired in 2003 at CHQ before we had J4J, and then took the recall to MDA as a captain. You've made some good points, but they're drowned in your animosity and over-generalizations.
Bullshit. Not ONE of the J4J guys already here at CHQ takes that attitude with us. And they're working with us everyday, including some of our rawest newhires that really don't know squat about the industry. Those guys are the epitome of class and professionalism, and work everyday to try to improve an admittedly junior pilot group.

my intenionally scarcastic comments are directed to your outspoken coworker that feels as if your helping us out. i am sure there are plenty of professonal j4j pilots, line pilots and checkairmen at chq including yourself that has a great attitude. you missed my point and have no reason to call bullshit. here is bullshit..........

-50% of the pilots
-no seniority integration
-2year traing contract
-double up hotel rooms in training

look at that and let it sink in. you see why i have my quote unquote attitude. he(bedford) had an opportunity to offer a fair deal which could have been a smooth integration but look at that!! would you want that? its easy to point the finger at the mda pilots and say we have a bad attitude and a chip on our shoulders..you know what we do and thats why!!!!

ALL OR NONE!!!!!!!!!

oh by the way, how do you feel about your highly experianced future coworkers getting stapled to the bottom of an admitted junior pilot group? if nothing changes your junior pilot group is going to keep getting jr
It wont be long until Bedford decides that his beloved pilot group is getting senior, and starts another company to get around the CHQ/REP contracts. Oh sure says Bedford you guys can come on over, we would love to have you work at X-air. Unfortunetely you will have to take a small paycut, ect. You know, we have to compete with whoever. Then these same guys that are salivating over the prosepect of rapid upgrade in the 170/190 will be screaming bloody murder. You guys can help stop the race to the bottom now while you are getting growth, or you can try and stop it on you own later and you will just "get it" Look at the history this is not a new tactic from management.

Blah blah blah..

Geeze, this is getting old.

You want to know how this will turn out, simple, look to the one maxim in this industry, whatever is the cheapest way to do things is what is usualy done. It is almost a physical law.

So it comes down to this, posturing and speechs and "letters to the associates" aside... It costs A LOT more to train CHQ, SA, or new Hire pilots to fly our 28 E-170s than it does to simply bring the MDA pilots over.

Training alone, you have a 2 week indoc and 2 sim rides vs. the entire initial training course and all the simulator training required to train or transfer a E-145 or S-340 or new hire pilot to the E-170/190. Times that by 300 people, and that is a HUGE cost.

Seems to me that 1st/2nd yr MDA longevity would have been a lot cheaper than paying a CHQ pilot a higher payscale. Republic Might have missed that oportunity now that it is in grievence.

Add in all th4 harder to define costs of pilots now flying a new aircraft, that have a certain learning curve before they understand fully how to work around and with the E-170's attributes ( you know, all those many things you oly really learn from seeing, not from Flight Safety groundschool)

No, the fact is that it will cost a lot more to not use the MDA'rs.

And in this industry, that is what seems to matter most.
common practice in this industry to step over a dollar to pick up a dime...