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Really, Really, Bad Fares!


Dec 2, 2003
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A lady friend calls me up tonight and says - I can't believe US Airways is charging $1400 to fly from Pittsburgh to Dallas during July 25-29! This person said a group of them going to a Mary Kay convention want to fly out on a Sunday and come back on a Thursday. I looked up the fares and sure enough it's bad.

Fares from Travelocity

ATA from $250
Delta Air Lines from $298
Air Tran Airways from from $299
American Airlines from $1419
United Airlines from $1419
US Airways from $1419

Now just for kicks I checked the fares going out on Saturday

ATA from $250
US Airways from $264
American Airlines from $264
United Airlines from $275
Delta Air Lines from $275
Northwest from from $275

Somebody from the Crystal Palace respond here. This pricing is just insane. Sounds like a group of 50 plus people will take their business to Delta and deservedly so.
You see, that is the pricing necessary when you pay a CEO over $600,000 per year.
PITbull I agree. How can the employees even fathom giving these goons more of their hard earned paycheck? Call me old fashioned, but if Delta and their much higher paid employees can offer lower fares so can a downsized US Airways. BTW, American and United should be b*tch slapped for their dumb fares too.
Hopefully they will rationalize the fare structure sooner than later...
jack mama said:
Hopefully they will rationalize the fare structure sooner than later...
jack mamma, you would think that would be a priority. No, seems that the priority is to extort more concessions from the employees to continually fund management's mis-management of the airline. Siegel puts on this big dog and pony show saying we're in trouble. Duh! When I see fares like the above it's obviously driving away business. Why give this management more money when their fare structure is so flawed in today's economy. We could all work for free and they would still keep the fare structure so flawed it would keep customers away. Siegel stated we need to be competitive. The fares listed above will keep passengers off our planes. I call these "Skunk Fares" they stink and its leading us on the path to aviation roadkill.
I flew GSO-DFW this week and the r/t fare was $320.00 No Sat stay, and I bought the ticket two weeks ago. I was actually thinking that the fare was too cheap (and I'm being serious.) Next week GSO-LIT is over $1,100, so I'm on DL next week. Sorry but I'm not loyal enough to fly four rj's and pay over a $1,000 for the pleasure when I can fly comfirmed first on DL.

For the most part the fares on US have dropped dramatically for me in the past three or four months. As a result US is getting most of my business as opposed to about half in the past several years.
EyeInTheSky said:
if Delta and their much higher paid employees can offer lower fares so can a downsized US Airways.
The hammer is about to fall over there. They are losing money at a rapid pace. They wouldn't lower the fares if the didn't have to compete with the LLC's. It's called market share.

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