There is much arguing here on how to save AA. I wander if both sides have stand back and checked the big picture. This time period is NOT like it was in the early 80s with the influx of lowfare carriers. The customer at large,even the former Y fare customer has chosen not to spend more than x amount of dollars on a ticket.
Just as the car makers have made the consumer savvy enough to wait for rebates before car buying. The air carriers has a generation of travelers who WILL NOT pay....say.....more than $250 roundtrip from DFW-LAX. They will wait for the fare sales,go to the internet sites,and use up their miles they accumulated through their credit cards. I guess what I am trying to say is that we THINK and SPEND differently now. If I worked for a major airline in management that trend would scare me.
This would explain the rise of the low to mid cost carriers. The new low-mid carriers have been patient(unlike their predecessors that grew too fast),and its paying off for them. I think AA is in a good position,UA,and US bankruptcys have brought a BIG reality check to both sides. It is a shame Crandall is not running AA,he ran it with discipline,and for lack of a better word a tight wad. Carty is not,which is strange since he was a protege of Crandall.
Just as the car makers have made the consumer savvy enough to wait for rebates before car buying. The air carriers has a generation of travelers who WILL NOT pay....say.....more than $250 roundtrip from DFW-LAX. They will wait for the fare sales,go to the internet sites,and use up their miles they accumulated through their credit cards. I guess what I am trying to say is that we THINK and SPEND differently now. If I worked for a major airline in management that trend would scare me.
This would explain the rise of the low to mid cost carriers. The new low-mid carriers have been patient(unlike their predecessors that grew too fast),and its paying off for them. I think AA is in a good position,UA,and US bankruptcys have brought a BIG reality check to both sides. It is a shame Crandall is not running AA,he ran it with discipline,and for lack of a better word a tight wad. Carty is not,which is strange since he was a protege of Crandall.