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Reality Check


" You are wrong. Look it up before posting misinformation."

Since you have your numbers wrong, maybe you should stop posting misinformation.

From Southwest's 2003 annual report:

"The following table details information on the 388 aircraft in the Company’s fleet as of December 31, 2003:"

We'll accept an apology now.

uza said:
People are quick to say no more, but offer no solution other than say, I already gave twice and it’s my choice not to give again.
Funny. You must not be reading the same board as me. Art at ISP offered several. So did I. So, for that matter, has ktflyhome and :shock: even PITbull.

But I guess you're just like those you criticize. You only see what you want to see. 🙁
BoeingBoy said:

" You are wrong. Look it up before posting misinformation."

Since you have your numbers wrong, maybe you should stop posting misinformation.

From Southwest's 2003 annual report:

"The following table details information on the 388 aircraft in the Company’s fleet as of December 31, 2003:"

We'll accept an apology now.

"We'll accept an apology now."

Only when pitbull does for lambasting our team non-stop, then and only then.

388 and not 355 makes it an even bigger difference, therefore the ratio is even more tilted in luv's favor.
QUOTE (uza @ Mar 23 2004, 11:06 PM)
QUOTE (Bob Owens @ Mar 23 2004, 04:45 PM)
Where did you get your numbers of mechanics vs aircraft?

You are wrong. Look it up before posting misinformation.

LUV has 1762 less mechanics with 76 more a/c and that is just the mechanics group. If U had the same ratio then you would make some sense, but it's slanted, canted, twisted, distorted, out of balance and why we are in trouble. We either tweak our business or we go away.

You comment: One of the factors that the bean counters often miss is the cost of shoddy maint.... You MBA is failing you, no problem in maintenance with LUV.

I was wondering when I would hear from you.

How can I be wrong when asking a question?

Where did you get your numbers from? I wasnt questioning your accuracy, I legitimately want to know the source.

"388 and not 355 makes it an even bigger difference, therefore the ratio is even more tilted in luv's favor."

If you can't get something as simple as the fleet count right, it makes any other information you provide suspect.

Still waiting.....

usfliboi said:
I have a question.... WHO CARES?
Well, at this point I guess some of us care because it is becoming clearer that uza is not who s/he claims to be. The misrepresentation is certainly not helpful.
mweiss said:
Well, at this point I guess some of us care because it is becoming clearer that uza is not who s/he claims to be. The misrepresentation is certainly not helpful.
The way i see it, not helpful period either way . Thats the reason I dont care, not being smart or anything , but they hava right to speak their mind and say their opinion. Just because its different doesnt make it wrong. I mean this isnt a pro union chat room . I think its fine to see opposing views, and constructive.
uza said:
Only when pitbull does for lambasting our team non-stop, then and only then.
The difference, of course is that PITBull (or the entity he/she knows running the AFA shop in PIT 😀 ) is good at his/her position.

Nobody in upper management at US is good at what they do. The results of late prove this to a far-thee-well.

No sane person sacrafices their future to those who lack the skill to save it.
I dont know man considering pit continues to shrink and fade away , is it a helping or a hurtin? 🙂
usfliboi said:
..they hava right to speak their mind and say their opinion. Just because its different doesnt make it wrong.
The viewpoint is one thing. But misrepresenting oneself is a different matter entirely.
I think its fine to see opposing views, and constructive.
It's constructive when there is a dialog. Thus far uza has done nothing to respond to dozens of attempts to engage in meaningful dialog. Instead, the poster has chosen to do nothing more than snipe at a handful of pro-union posters. That's not constructive.

It is expected that Uza will not reply to our posts of legitimate solutions because he or she cannot provide a rational reason for their not being implemented. Instead Uza desires to incite the boards with more rhetoric and finger pointing.

Here it is in a nutshell--other posters and myself have mentioned logical and practical ideas which, if implemented, would go far to help the company's recovery. It appears that there is another agenda at CCY, and it does not involve saving the company in its current form. This is most disturbing to me. I think we will have a better hint of the real "plan" tomorrow.

I will state one more time--I am trying to look at this as a concerned party--and I am not blasting one side or the other--I am just making logical observations. It is my true desire to see this company recover and succeed, and to grow again. The fine people who work there deserve no less than to be treated with respect and appreciation. Instead the company treats them like they are the enemy. I just don't get that.

Let's see what tomorrow brings--as always, I wish you all the very best.....
LongIsland2004 said:
ART AT ISP: Next time you have a chance to talk to anybody at USairways upper management, see what you can about the future of US at ISP. With US down to 4 R/T a day, they are getting very close to pulling the plug it looks like.
I have spoken with management from time to time about ISP and have not received any direction one way or the other. In light of the current merger between ALG and PDT, I am not sure what will happen.

What SHOULD happen is that they grow the service to compete with WN more effectively. To the other poster-yes WN is expanding at ISP, which is more reason to grow as well instead of retreat.

This is a topic for another thread, which I will gladly start.

My best to you all......
Art at ISP said:
It is expected that Uza will not reply to our posts of legitimate solutions because he or she cannot provide a rational reason for their not being implemented.
Then perhaps we should give that poster all of the respect deserved based on that behavior. If there was ever a poster who deserves to be completely ignored, uza is it!

My advice to all is to treat uza as a classic troll. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS!!!

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