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Question for Dispatchers


Jan 24, 2003
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I forgot to add that the reasons I would like to stay at Embry-Riddle are;
1. They have a good reputation in the Aerospace Industry
2. My major would be related to dispatching
3. I would be able to get an internship with a major carrier
4. Lots of networking possibilities

Obviously the downside is that to ERAU is that its not as prestigous as Michigan and my degree would be quite specific

Thanks for your help
I am currently a student at embry-riddle aeronautical university majoring in applied meteorology (which incorporates a dispatcher certificate) and had a quick question for you out there in dispatch land. I would like to become a dispatcher but obviously right now is not a good time. Would it be better for me transfer to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (my home state) and get a degree in the Earth Sciences or Environmental Studies (I love the Natural Sciences) and get a dispatcher liscense from a school like sheffield or stay at Embry-Riddle? I am just wondering if any of you had any insight on this.
Paul B
I would stay at Embry-Riddle. I think the Meteorolgy part of the degree might be key, with the Dispatcher certificate the icing on the cake. There are numerous met jobs out there, either with the NWS, aviation weather services such as Kavouras, or some of the airlines. I know that United and Northwest have Meteorlogy departments. Even Net-Jets has meteorologists.
Bottom Line:

Do what makes you happy.
If you want to stay in aviation, I would reccomend doing something with the meteorology rather than dispatching. It definatly pays more.

As a suggestion for a compromise: Think about Purdue Univiersity. It's closer to home for you and they have both a reputable meteorology program as well as an aviation program. You can also recieve a dispatch lisence from them as well at the Indy satelite campus.

As far as dispatching goes, I know a lot of people that do are dispatchers and do not have a degree. Having a degree in something else other than aviation to fall back on is a good thing to have. Either the Meteorology or Earth Sciences as long as you like it sound good.
Thx for all the help, Netjets is going to be on campus here on Feb 6th so I am going to look into their meteorology positions see whats available and what they want. I actually applied to purdue and was accepted last year. I didn't know they had a MET program, I will have to look into it.

-Paul B
As someone with both a meteorology and a dispatch background, I'd recommend go for the meteorolgy DEGREE. Met is a relatively narrow field of work, but you do have a few more options available to you than just dispatching. It may also help you get a foot in the door, in the long run if you are able to break into the dispatch line of work. I'm not knocking ERAU, but bottom line, your options would probably be better by finishing up in meteorology at a classic university. Good luck
Keeps your eyes open. Ive been at a major airline for 20 years now. One thing time has proven is that nothing is constant in this business. So even though now may not be a good time to start a career in dispatching, this industry will turn around and recovery is on the horizon. I think it's a smart move to get the degree from Michigan, it certainly helps the resume. But I have been dispatching for 6 years now, and this is the best job in the company as far as I am concerned! I think the comment the other gentleman made that the money is not that good is strictly a subjective point of view. He's forgetting the simple premise that money is not everything. I live very comfortable life on my dispatchers salary, and so what if I am not a millionaire! Seems to me you need to follow your dreams, and do what makes you happy! p.s. - We are recalling dispatchers off furlough as we speak...so hiring new dispatchers is not far off. Go for it! :up:
TornadoEF said:
I forgot to add that the reasons I would like to stay at Embry-Riddle are;
1. They have a good reputation in the Aerospace Industry
2. My major would be related to dispatching
3. I would be able to get an internship with a major carrier
4. Lots of networking possibilities

Obviously the downside is that to ERAU is that its not as prestigous as Michigan and my degree would be quite specific

Thanks for your help
Internship? You mean working for no pay?

Do you really need to go to college to work for nothing?

Whatever airline that is needs a union. If they allow people to come in and work for free how can those who work to feed their families be secure?
I'd go toa classic campus. Lot's of folks outside aviation have never heard of ERAU. If I had to do it all over again, I'd do an internship for minimum wage. From what I see, college grads with an internship or two start out at 50 grand +/- 5grand (depending on their field of discipline) and their salaries go up from there. With that kind of bling bling, who needs a union?

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