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Question for Bob Owen

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Aug 6, 2011
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Hey bob why doesn't the local 591 post all the expenses the get on line see how much money the elected officials spend. I for one would like to find out why twu 591 is using union due money for paying attorney to sue the international . From what I was told they are already up to $250000.00. Now did the members vote or agree on the local to spend there money on a lawsuit that they will gain nothing just stupid language that you and other twu members were at the negotiation . What a waist of money also tell everyone who twu 591 hired as an atterney .was he the AMFA atterney he was wasn't he how about the labor board doing an audit on your treasurey hope you have all your recipes . Good luck
brownmech said:
Hey bob why doesn't the local 591 post all the expenses the get on line see how much money the elected officials spend. I for one would like to find out why twu 591 is using union due money for paying attorney to sue the international . From what I was told they are already up to $250000.00. Now did the members vote or agree on the local to spend there money on a lawsuit that they will gain nothing just stupid language that you and other twu members were at the negotiation . What a waist of money also tell everyone who twu 591 hired as an atterney .was he the AMFA atterney he was wasn't he how about the labor board doing an audit on your treasurey hope you have all your recipes . Good luck
At every single monthly meeting we are givin a financial report that list every single penny that AMFA spends and what for.  Anything over 300 bucks has to be voted on by the membership in order to be able to spend it.  Also after our treasurer verbally gives all accounts of our finances, he ends his report with,  "anyone that would be interested in going over the books please make an appointment and we will open the books".  No other union will do that.  Just try it, someone submit a request to go over all the financials and them to "open the books" for the members to sit and fumble thru.  They won't.  They have way too much that they need to hide from the members.  This same offer is also extended to the membership by AMFA National.  Just one of the many HUGE differences of having AMFA as your representational union...
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