Que Pasa ?

When I voted, I showed my drivers license as proof of ID and the lady poll person reacted like a vampire being shown the Cross.
Well, that's how KommieFornia does it.
Edited By ME
Don't forget to give me a red before you HillBillies leave....
That's horrible that you had to show ID Hypocritical X, how are illegals going to vote in Libtard Land? I hope she wasn't a Hillbilley.
So you fell for the edited version yet again. I posted the real version in the fake news thread.

Try this:

And this: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-busi...ely-claim-he-told-illegal-immigrants-to-vote/

"As it turns out, there’s a reason no other networks were covering the story: it isn’t accurate. Here was the full exchange, with the bolded parts representing the sections of the interview Fox Business edited out."

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.
Again, MBA boy, Gina was speaking about illegals being able to vote. He tried to cover her with his "you have a greater reason to vote" comment. Nice spin Barry. We get it.
Everyone who pays attention to the corrupt DNC platform that wants anyone who crosses the border illegally to vote. They (DNC) have fought in federal court to stop voter ID laws. That is a fact.

Example? Nasty Pelosi in San Freaksisco, a sanctuary city, more illegals vote for libtards like her. Therefore, come on in all ye illegals, don't forget to vote.

That's the end game, to keep libtards in power.
And in other fake news, the sun will rise tomorrow morning, unfortunately Hackman reports that as being untrue. He has the real scoop from his internet sources.
That's horrible that you had to show ID Hypocritical X, how are illegals going to vote in Libtard Land? I hope she wasn't a Hillbilley.

You moron,
Fact is here in KommieFornia they do not ask/require an ID and when I showed mine, she freaked out.
But you just make crap up in your lil head.
I understand... :eek:

Edited By ME
Don't forget to give me a red before you HillBillies leave....
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And in other fake news, the sun will rise tomorrow morning, unfortunately Hackman reports that as being untrue. He has the real scoop from his internet sources.
I guess that MBA didn't do you much good to understand the spoken word.

Heres a some real news Quagtard, it appears your gurl Hildabeast is on the losing track as of now. Maybe Salon.com will pump some "real news" sunshine up your crack in your libtard fantasy morning.

PS See the DNC doing corpse impressions on TV?
You moron,
Fact is here in KommieFornia they do not ask/require an ID and when I showed mine, she freaked out.
But you just make crap up in your lil head.
I understand... :eek:

Edited By ME
Don't forget to give me a red before you HillBillies leave....
Well why the hell would you show your ID idiot? You trying to be somebody and show them you actually have one? You have insurance too? Cool man...

I left you a red X as requested, ruined your profile again.
And don't forget about Cher saying another country isn't far enough and she will go to go to another planet!
I think we should all chip in for a large Sat V type rocket, strap in all the celebrity libtards who are leavin, and let Amy Shumer pilot that hot rod to mars. Y'all in? Gofundmemars.com.
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I think we should all chip in for a large Sat V type rocket, strap in all the celebrity libtards who are leavin, and let Amy Shumer pilot that hot rod to mars. Y'all in? Gofundmemars.com.

Now that's a plan!! I think possibly some of the best government funding to send it off if needed. Pack in Miley Cyrus, Ms. Tree, 700UW, Al Shaprton, Rachel Maddow, Obama, and all rest of liberal deadweight in it. When it lands I'm sure they are going to have the tremendous task of having "who is going to work so the rest of us don't have to talk."
Question in my mind at this time. Trump has been "talking the talk". But can he " walk the walk"?