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Jetblue in AZ= opporitunity of a lifetime


Feb 27, 2008
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In reference to emerging markets for Jetblue(B6), I feel that the
growth in to the west coast is going to be a smart choice for B6 in
the long haul, especially with the fuel efficient Embraer E190's. I
have a few theories that B6 may be thinking about expanding their
service in to AZ next. But there is also core evidence that B6 may
give TUS the chopping block (which I hope doesn't happen) Here is a
couple reasons why I think b6 might expand in to AZ or not ( I really
hope they do).

Austin, TX (AUS) will be a west coast hub for b6. Currently only one
airline goes to AUS from Tucson(TUS) <http://www.tucsonairport.org/
html/tia_airlinelinks.html>(once a day) and that is Express Jet(XE).
US Airways(US) serves AUS four times a day from Phoenix(PHX) and
Southwest(WN) Five times a day from PHX.<http://timetables.oag.com/phx/

Jetblue offers:

One Daily Non-Stop to JFK from Tucson(TUS)
Two Daily Non-Stops from Phoenix (PHX).

The distance to AUS is only two -hours and would be able to connect on
to Florida destinations as well as numerous east and west coast

Here is a couple reasons why they may not:

B6 may consider adding flights to AZ, but which city? PHX or TUS, or
both. The article that has me worried from azbiz.com is stating that
B6 in TUS is not doing so hot with filling the seats. B6's Director
of Corp. Communications states that for Tucson, said "let’s see how it
does when we evaluate it later this year." and "This will be the
"critical proving year" of whether the market will support JetBlue’s
non-stop flights to New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport. It is an
interesting read<http://www.azbiz.com/articles/2008/02/22/news/

With this said, I feel that if these statement are true and they do
decide to pull out of TUS, it would be the failure of the marketings
Department and Revenue management for not doing their statistical
homework. Tucson is a growing community and they would ony be coming
back to TUS later once it is already developed to its peak ,but at a
higher premium. The Tucson Airport Authority is almost complete with
their terminal upgrade and is in the works on expanding their

Some Key points why I think it is a 'No Brainer' to stay in TUS

Arizona is poised to be the fastest growing state in the nation
Texas, Florida, and North Carolina at a staggering growth rate of 209%
by 2030 <http://www.reipipeline.com/2007/12/05/arizona-remains-the-top-
in-projected-growth-rates/ > .

Many other Savvy investors in other markets see this growth coming and
are taking action while they still can at a good price. The newest
addition to come for the AZ community of Southern AZ is the erection
of a 'Mixed -Use Destination Developement' called Passage of Tucson
<http://www.passagesoftucson.com/siteplan.html >

Sporting events like El Tour De Tucson, Accenture Golf Tournament, The
worlds largest Gem Show, Rodeo Days (Home of the largest non-
motorized parade in the country) and 4th avenue street fair. These
are just some of the attractions that happen in Southern AZ

Although, with a slower growth strategy in place for B6, this
expansion may not happen at all. With it still being early in the
year, I stand anxious for the announcements of new cities and
services. Great Customer Service And Free Blue Chips on every

Some routes I would like to see!

1. Tucson Airport Authority Refference:

2.Phoenix Sky-Harbor Refference:
http://timetables.oag.com/phx/flights.asp (Please type in AUS as the
city code)

3. Census Refference:
http://www.reipipeline.com/2007/12/05/ariz...emains-the-top- in-

4.AZbiz Refference:

Please feel free to share your ideas on this interstiong development