

Aug 3, 2005
was working the other day when I went back into ops and a PSA pilot was sitting at my little work area...asked him =as his fingers were poised to type away-if there was anything I could assist him with as far as looking something up for him....I explained that this was an America West computer system...his cocky reply was..."what is the difference? Did we not just buy America West?"

Hmm.....yep...I saw red...cuz see, I am in a hot city and have worked extremely hard to stay clam with all the changes...i.e contract ramp, management....I expalined again that the systems were still seperate and he would need to use the computer on the right....
Please....this mentality has to stop...I do not want to deal with it...and I should not have to deal with the cockiness of a PSA pilot....we have merged...I do not walk into your flight deck so please, back off....more than willing to help you with anything you might need but don't try to shove it down my throat about who bought whom....
was working the other day when I went back into ops and a PSA pilot was sitting at my little work area...asked him =as his fingers were poised to type away-if there was anything I could assist him with as far as looking something up for him....I explained that this was an America West computer system...his cocky reply was..."what is the difference? Did we not just buy America West?"

Hmm.....yep...I saw red...cuz see, I am in a hot city and have worked extremely hard to stay clam with all the changes...i.e contract ramp, management....I expalined again that the systems were still seperate and he would need to use the computer on the right....
Please....this mentality has to stop...I do not want to deal with it...and I should not have to deal with the cockiness of a PSA pilot....we have merged...I do not walk into your flight deck so please, back off....more than willing to help you with anything you might need but don't try to shove it down my throat about who bought whom....

You should have told that Airline Pilot Wannabe to find another hole to crawl into.

Not only do they have a tendancy to bump jumpseaters, from what I understand they are less than amicable with some of our furloughed pilots.

We unfortunately all have the select few employees who think they deserve some special treatment, and I apologize for our pilot's behavior. As for the bumping pilots from the jumpseat, that is a CRJ problem. Unless there are over 50 checked bags in the cargo compartment, it is next to impossible to get the plane balanced with a jumpseater. I won't even comment on the treatment of furloughed pilots. They haven't exactly been the nicest to us, not to mention the ever changing rules of the J4J program to their benefit.
was working the other day when I went back into ops and a PSA pilot was sitting at my little work area...asked him =as his fingers were poised to type away-if there was anything I could assist him with as far as looking something up for him....I explained that this was an America West computer system...his cocky reply was..."what is the difference? Did we not just buy America West?"

Now that is funny.
was working the other day when I went back into ops and a PSA pilot was sitting at my little work area...asked him =as his fingers were poised to type away-if there was anything I could assist him with as far as looking something up for him....I explained that this was an America West computer system...his cocky reply was..."what is the difference? Did we not just buy America West?"

Hmm.....yep...I saw red...cuz see, I am in a hot city and have worked extremely hard to stay clam with all the changes...i.e contract ramp, management....I expalined again that the systems were still seperate and he would need to use the computer on the right....
Please....this mentality has to stop...I do not want to deal with it...and I should not have to deal with the cockiness of a PSA pilot....we have merged...I do not walk into your flight deck so please, back off....more than willing to help you with anything you might need but don't try to shove it down my throat about who bought whom....
:eek: :eek: :eek: Well now what do u expect from a guy who's flying for PS- who's bitter and knows he will probably NEVER fly a big jet! I'm so sorry he made just a childish comment, but consider the source!
Boarding US paxs last night in CLT when PSA pushed off E3. Using excessive taxi thrust, they gave our dash "moderate turbulence" on the ground. People flailing in the wind, bags flying everywhere. I keyed the mic, and said, "watch the jet blast, we are boarding". To which he replied," when you fly one, you'll know what jet blast is". Lack of professioalism, complete diregard for "our pax", and a smart elic reply from a 500 hour @%$@&*^ pilot. This is the state of our,me,me,me,me,and lets see......uummmm, ME. Where is the moral and professional demeanor that we need to prosper? Frustrated!!!!!
Boarding US paxs last night in CLT when PSA pushed off E3. Using excessive taxi thrust, they gave our dash "moderate turbulence" on the ground. People flailing in the wind, bags flying everywhere. I keyed the mic, and said, "watch the jet blast, we are boarding". To which he replied," when you fly one, you'll know what jet blast is". Lack of professioalism, complete diregard for "our pax", and a smart elic reply from a 500 hour @%$@&*^ pilot. This is the state of our,me,me,me,me,and lets see......uummmm, ME. Where is the moral and professional demeanor that we need to prosper? Frustrated!!!!!
That is of course ridiculous. The thrust was clearly out of line but getting the 700 to turn out on 1 engine is very difficult and only exasperated by turning into the operating engine. (Which is the case from E3) No excuses however for what you describe.
this is why we have a crappy airline- no one actually works for the company anymore so no one is considered a co-worker anymore, no respect for each other, no respect for the product or the customer.
Shame on you pilots for being so naughty at E3.....keep that up and I will Go Tell Mr. Parker! See if you get any more Snickerdoodle cookies AND I may just need to ask for your Heritage Logo pin :lol:
They haven't exactly been the nicest to us, not to mention the ever changing rules of the J4J program to their benefit.

Oh please...

Changing the rules...? the only time I know of things changing is that your pilot group traded slotted senority to the few JFJ pilots on your property, in return for the ability to fly the larger and better paying CRJ-700...

If you are talking about the recent push to utilize backfill positions for recent furloughees, that has been part of the jets for jobs deal from the begining, which your pilot group agreed to in return for the ability to fly CRJ in the first place sport.

So cry me a river when it comes to your complaints about so called mis-treatment from the mainline pilots.
Actually we didn't agree to slotted bidding. The pilot group was never even asked. The reason the MEC signed off on it was because they were told that if they didn't the 200s would be sent to PDT and the pilots (minus the J4Js) would go to the street. So it wasn't so much out of greed of the 700 but out of survival with the 200.

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