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Psa Or Mesa Which One Is Worse?

I recall back in Jan. 1957 when I jst got out of the Navy with my CSMELI and 1,000 hours, most in jets, I started job hunting.

I was released at NAS Moffett, so I started in the West and worked my way home to NY.

I stopped in the PSA office, and had an interview. $300/mo. to start, flying DC-3's, pay by the mile, not the hour (You held at your own expense!).

I said no thanks, and ended up with TWA.

Jerry, a buddy of mine, classmate, took the job. I thought he was nuts. Then I saw their hostesses - WOW! Real dolls. They were hired for their looks in those days, no questions asked. He is now retired, after marrying 3 of them.

Jerry never had a furlough, and TWA laid me off after a year, for 4.5 years.

PSA expanded, TWA shrunk.

Jerry was smart. Hey, if I had a crystal ball, I couldn't have passed the medical.

That's life.
Captain Ed said:
I recall back in Jan. 1957 when I jst got out of the Navy with my CSMELI and 1,000 hours, most in jets, I started job hunting.

I was released at NAS Moffett, so I started in the West and worked my way home to NY.

I stopped in the PSA office, and had an interview. $300/mo. to start, flying DC-3's, pay by the mile, not the hour (You held at your own expense!).

I said no thanks, and ended up with TWA.

Jerry, a buddy of mine, classmate, took the job. I thought he was nuts. Then I saw their hostesses - WOW! Real dolls. They were hired for their looks in those days, no questions asked. He is now retired, after marrying 3 of them.

Jerry never had a furlough, and TWA laid me off after a year, for 4.5 years.

PSA expanded, TWA shrunk.

Jerry was smart. Hey, if I had a crystal ball, I couldn't have passed the medical.

That's life.
The airline being discussed in this topic is PSA Airlines of Dayton Ohio. Its a wholly owned subsidiary of US Airways operating RJs and props as US Airways Express.

The original PSA (Pacific Southwest Airlines) is fully merged into US Airways. US renamed its three commuter subsidiaries after the predeccessors to protect the names- they didnt want a new Piedmont or PSA popping up. Therefore Jetstream Airlines became PSA. Since theres nothing Pacific or Southwest about Ohio they just use the letters. Henson became Piedmont, and Pennsylvania (I think?) became Allegheny.

Neat story though. It just goes to show that some things never change in this industry- its really about being in the right place at the right time.
Part of PSAs problem is that they are growing the airline threefold and are having growing pains. For the most part, the majority of PSA employees are doing everything they can to make it work, however there are obstacles slowing progress. In time, PSA will be much more efficient and IMHO a very on time airline. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of time to accomplish this.....
Captain Ed said:
Jerry, a buddy of mine, classmate, took the job. I thought he was nuts. Then I saw their hostesses - WOW! Real dolls. They were hired for their looks in those days, no questions asked. He is now retired, after marrying 3 of them.
I wonder if he was the SFO based Captain that I heard about who shared an appartment with three rampers and drove and old piece junk car. The reasn: three ex wives (with good divorce attorneys).

Thanks for another great story, Captain Ed!