While I agree with much of what you said above, I still have a problem with him (or any other executive) not taking part of the blame in any way shape or form. And I do agree that when you are surrounded by feces, it is hard to come out smelling like a rose.
My questions/comments become:
1) While I agree that the spin AFTER the fact was to put pressure on the unions and make a case to the BK judge for section 1113 contract abrogation, why did they not have a plan for what they knew was coming? Are we to believe that they planned out this whole event to make a point?
2) If you are the VP of Operations don't you have to sign off on any new staffing model? Isn't it your responsibility to have the data and know that you have a ramp staffing issue related to LTD, OJI, etc? They knew they were going to be open on more then 100 shifts even before "normal" call offs. They were banking on being able to assign mandatory overtime and didn't really have a plan. Where were all of the Managers/Executives/VP's/Directors on those days? If you knew you had a potential meltdown in the works, why not rally the troops and be prepared. I know for a fact that certain Directors/Executives that could have helped out were in fact in other cities on vacation and forced their subordinates to fly to PHL on the holiday. I'm sorry but I am from the school of lead by example. There is nothing I would ask a fellow employee to do that I wouldn't do myself.
3) I think you are right that MPA may have been brought along for the ride because of experience in the operating environment. I keep hearing that he is being kept on because of the operating certificate. I don't by that. The ops cert is issued to the airline, not a VP. There are some very talented individuals that have just as much experience, if not more, in the operating of the airline in this environment.
4) Are you sure that it was MPA's idea or recommendation to get more equipment in PHL? Who's to say DP didnt' take a tour of PHL and see for himself that they couldn't operate with what little they had? Who's to say that someone didn't finally listen to what everyone in PHL has been trying to tell the old team? I do understand that we were between a rock and a hard place when it came to spending money and replacing equipment, but there was no plan in place to deal with the situation.
5) We did have very good operting stats, but then came all the cuts. We over cut staffing in all functions and then wonder why it hit the fan. We lost all of our resources. We operated with very few (if any) spare airplanes, no crews to fly what we did have, no ground equipment, etc. Who is ultimately responsible for all of those things? Who signed off on all of those plans?
Unfortunately Bob, I can't forgive and forget so easily. Until he proves to me that his ability to plan has changed and not that he has become a party boy, I still harbor ill feelings.