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Psa Files For Bigger Birds

A Baby Ate My Dingo said:
How many FAs would be willing to reapply and fly out and backs for a lowish salary??
out and backs? lowish salary? I heard PSA FAs make more than MDA FA's?

I think we agree in protecting Group jobs. Nowhere in my posts am I trying to say that one group of FAs is better than the other, just that they have recieved different training and while thay are both FAs, their jobs are vastly different. Like I said before I think negotiating a single list or a flow thru is a worthy cause- I dont think a PSA F/A should have to interview for a mainline job, just a transfer- dont you agree? The opposite should also be true. If this place survives, one benefit of our sad state is there is alot more relations between the mainline, the WOs and MDA, with J4J and the like, promoting understanding and showing that we're all on the same side. The fences may be there company wise, but they are beginning to come down employee wise which can only be beneficial to all of us.

A new hire at MDA I believe starts lower or the same as at PSA (currently the lowest of the three wholly- owneds). However, the FAs will go in at thier year of pay- for example a four year FA goes in at a four year pay scale- as if they'd been at MAA the whole time. So most will go in slightly below what they started at at mainline, and a few dollars more than regular express. Since there are no first year ML FAs (the last one was hired in early 2001), no MAA FA will make less than an Express FA. Pay at MidAtlantic and PSA are both unacceptable and barely constitute a living wage, especially for someone on the road 20 days a month. That, of course, is why all of the company's growth is happening there.

I am shocked to hear of FAs standing up for landing! I have NEVER seen this... Transatlantic is very senior these days, with most if not all of the crews having about 20 years (LODOs aside). MUC is a 767, are you sure the FAs werent in those center jumpseats? I think they would go flying into the air if thay were standing. I cant believe there was bags in the aisle?!? If this is true we will surely hear more about it from a passenger on that flight, believe me- our Envoy Class customers (mostly very frequent US/UA flyers) would be on the phone immediatly after landing, as would any sort of FAA or company inspector that frequent those flights. Wow. That is completely unacceptable if true.
Can PSA take delivery of 62 Aircraft in a 12 month period? That's a lot of Airplanes. At least 5 per month. Will the FAA allow that?

Where does that leave ALG and PDT?
Allegheny and Piedmont are apparently history in the not so distant future. PSA is receiving at least 3-4 CRJs per month into 2005, basically doubling the size of PSA. Pilots are J4J until that well dries up, then W/O pilots, then new hires off the street.
How many pilots have been hired through the J4J program? IIRC, there were about 1900 pilots on furlough. Does this number include J4J-placed pilots or all pilots who are still not flying US Airways mainline aircraft?
At PSA I think we have around 50 J4J pilots on the current list, but that doesn't include all the furloughed mainline pilots we hired into the D328 and into the training department. Most J4J guys are passing up the FO slots, but the available J4J captain slots will be filled no problem. If I were a betting man, I'd say by March PSA will be hiring FO's off the street for the RJ. I have no idea how many guys were at Midway when it went under, nor do I know anything about Mesa or Trans States.
DorkDriver said:
At PSA I think we have around 50 J4J pilots on the current list, but that doesn't include all the furloughed mainline pilots we hired into the D328 and into the training department. Most J4J guys are passing up the FO slots, but the available J4J captain slots will be filled no problem. If I were a betting man, I'd say by March PSA will be hiring FO's off the street for the RJ. I have no idea how many guys were at Midway when it went under, nor do I know anything about Mesa or Trans States.
If you pass up a J4J slot opening, does that mean you've forfeited your right to participate in J4J?
ITRADE said:
If you pass up a J4J slot opening, does that mean you've forfeited your right to participate in J4J?
Not really. The way it works, or at least the way I understand it, is that they go down and then back up the APL list. On the list you you can specify which carrier you would like to work for and which seat you would like to take. If you want PSA captain only, then you should only be called when that position is available. If you mark that you will take any position, you could get called for a MESA FO spot. If you turn them down, then you only get one more chance and thats when they start to go back up the list again. Clear as mud?
Looks like ole' PDT's is out of the loop again...but a definte noose is around their neck, and getting tighter everyday... :shock:

Fail to plan..Plan on failing
Speaking of PSA, what is happing to their DO-328s? These would be great craft for a regional carrier like Colgan or Shuttle America to pick up - and dump their SF-340s at the same time.
a320av8r said:
Dornier is no more-
Why replace the Saab's?
Dornier is more.

They've restarted the 328jet production line and the parts suppliers are once again supplying parts. In was in Aviation Week a couple weeks back.

IIRC, Saabs sometimes had weight restrictions. And, the DO-328s have much longer legs than the Saabs.
The status of the Dornier company is questionable. The D-328's have just as many restrictions as the Saabs.
There are problems with the Dornier's with weight etc.. However, the airplane flies at 320 kts. and is a much quieter more comfortable product.

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