I have a question. If you want to communicate with one another why do it in a protest rally? Why not meet somewhere else and plan what your goals are how you want to reach them. Marching on corporate HQ to me is mostly symbolic and achieves very little. It also allows corporate to see who is dissenting and who could be targeted for retribution. Just my opinion.... 🙂
Well just the act of organzing the protest is what i was refering to ..Word is quickly spreading at the airport and there's debate on the merits of a protest , but at least there is widespread TALK of actually doing something ... yes the protest is symbolic , that's what protests are suppose to be ... and it achieves ALOT of different things ...
1. Depending on how many protestors come out there is the possiblity for local media coverage ...
2. Common action and cause have a way of uniting people .
3.There will be talk around the water coolers at HQ , and this IS what we want , talk , discussion VISABLITY .
Why look at the pilots , they just had a 75 man protest that made the news , and now a thead has appeared here on our very own forum discussion possible work ACTION .... one thing tends to lead to another ...
As far as retribution goes , none of the people at HQ know who any of us are , and even if they did and were able to SOMEHOW start finding ways to get me in trouble , i can't say i'd lose alot of sleep over the loss of a 10 dollar an hour job ..
The benfits to a protest far out weight the conquences .Futhermore if we DON'T protest then what is the point of "working by the book " at the airport or any other related work action ? It's pointless to do any of these things if managment doesn't know WHY they are being done , if none of us spoke up , they might simply assume that it was just a bad quarter etc...or worse lower managment might simply try and hide the problem from upper mangment saying everything is status quo , this way the ENTIRE company knows there's a problem .